Orphica: Orphic Texts

Bullet Introduction to the Orphica
Bullet General Introduction to the Orphica (HF) Under Construction
Bullet On the Life and Theology of Orpheus
Thomas Taylor (Renaissance Orpheus) New Link! 11/99
Bullet The Life and Works of Orpheus (Astaroth) New Link! 11/99
Bullet The Orphic Pantheon
G.R.S.Mead (Subru) New Link! 11/99

Bullet 1 · Orpheus to Mousaios
Bullet The Taylor Translation (1792) (HF) New! 11/99

Bullet 2 · [Orphic Hymn] To Hekatê
Bullet The Forrest Translation (1993) (HF) 07/96
Bullet The Eyer Translation (1996) (S. Eyer) New Link! 11/99
Bullet Greek Text (HF) 07/96

Bullet 3 · [Orphic Hymn] To Prothyraia
Bullet The Eyer Translation (1996) (S. Eyer) New Link! 11/99
Bullet The Taylor Translation (1792) (Ren. Orpheus) New Link! 11/99

Bullet 31 · [Orphic Hymn] To Dionysos
Bullet The Forrest Translation (1998) (HF) New! 09/99
Bullet The Eyer Translation (1996) (S. Eyer) New Link! 11/99
Bullet Greek Text (HF) New! 09/99

Bullet 56 · [Orphic Hymn] To Aphroditê
Bullet The Eyer Translation (1995) (S. Eyer) New Link! 11/99
Bullet The Taylor Translation (1792) (Ren. Orpheus) New Link! 11/99

Bullet 77 · [Orphic Hymn] To the Muses
Bullet The Eyer Translation (1996) (S. Eyer) New Link! 11/99

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Golden Dawn Texts

Bullet Introduction to the G.·.D.·. and R.·.R.·. et A.·.C.·. Texts (HF) Under Construction

Bullet Inner Order Flying Rolls
Bullet Flying Roll 3A. On the Symbolism of Self-Sacrifice & Crucifixion in the 5=6 Grade (HF) 07/96

Bullet Miscellaneous Historical Documents
Bullet The Cypher MSS (HL) New Link! 11/99

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Rosicruciana: Rosicrucian Texts

Bullet Introduction to the Rosicrucian Texts (HF) Under Construction

Bullet Fama Fraternitatis (1604? 1611)
Bullet The Vaughan Edition (1652) (AVL) New Link! 11/99

Bullet Confessio Fraternitatis (1615)
Bullet The Vaughan Edition (1652) (AVL) New Link! 11/99

Bullet Chymische Hochzeit : The Chymical Wedding (1615)
Bullet The Foxcroft Edition (1690)
Rendered into modern English by A. McLean and D. Green (1984) (AVL) New Link! 11/99

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Enochiana: Dee, Kelly, and Angelic Texts

Bullet Introduction to the Enochiana & Related Texts
Bullet General Introduction to the Enochiana and Related Texts (HF) Under Construction
Bullet Charlotte Fell Smith, John Dee(1969) (John Dee Society) Link Updated! 11/99
Bullet I.R.F. Calder, John Dee Studied as a Neoplatonist(1952) (John Dee Society) Link Updated! 11/99

Bullet The Angelic Communications
Bullet Mysteriorum Libri Quinque (1581-83)
The Five Books of the Mysteries (Twilit Grotto) New Link! 11/99
Bullet Mysteriorum Liber Primus (1581-82)
The First Book of the Mysteries (John Dee Pub. Society) New Link! 11/99
Bullet Mysteriorum Liber Secundus (1582)
The Second Book of the Mysteries (John Dee Pub. Society) New Link! 11/99
Bullet Mysteriorum Liber Tertius (1582)
The Third Book of the Mysteries (John Dee Pub. Society) New Link! 11/99
Bullet Liber Mysteriorum Sextus et Sanctus (1583)
The Sixth and Holy Book of the Mysteries : Liber Loagaeth (Twilit Grotto) New Link! 11/99
Bullet De Heptarchia Mystica (1583)
On the Mystic Sevenfold Rulership (Twilit Grotto) New Link! 11/99
Bullet Tabula Bonorum Angelorum (1587)
The Table of the Good Angels (Twilit Grotto) New Link! 11/99

Bullet Other Works by John Dee
Bullet The Hieroglyphic Monad (1564) (Fra. AI, CotG) New Link! 11/99

Bullet Other Works by Edward Kelly
Bullet The Stone of the Philosophers (n.d.) (AVL) New Link! 11/99

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Martinist Documents

Bullet Introduction to the Martinist Documents (HF) Under Construction

Bullet Protocol of Martinist Orders
Bullet L’Ordre Martiniste & l’Order Martiniste d’Elus Coëns
Sar Jean & Sar Aurifer (1962) (R+CMO) New Link! 11/99

Bullet Martinist Certificates
Bullet Unknown Philosopher Certificate
Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique (1974) (R+CMO) New Link! 11/99
Bullet Serviteur Inconnu Certificate
Ordre Martiniste (1975) (R+CMO) New Link! 11/99
Bullet Unknown Superior Certificate
Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique (R+CMO) New Link! 11/99
Bullet Initiateur Libre Certificate
Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique (1978) (R+CMO) New Link! 11/99

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Salomonica: Grimoire Texts

Bullet Introduction to the Solomonic Texts (HF) Under Construction

Bullet Clavicula Salomonis: The Key of Solomon (n.d.)
Bullet The S.L. MacGregor Mathers Translation (1889) (Twilit Grotto) New Link! 11/99

Bullet The Lemegeton (17th century CE):
Book I, Goetia (15th Century CE?)
Bullet The Peterson Edition (1999)
Edited from MSS. in the British Museum (Twilit Grotto) New Link! 11/99
Bullet Johannes Wierus, Pseudomonarchia Daemonum (1563)
Included in Reginald Scot, Discoverie of Witchcraft (1584) (Twilit Grotto) New Link! 11/99
Bullet A Version by P. Legard (1999) (Picatrix) New Link! 11/99

Bullet The Lemegeton (17th century CE):
Book II, Theurgia-Goetia (15th Century CE?)
Bullet The Peterson Edition (1999)
Edited from MSS. in the British Museum (Twilit Grotto) New Link! 11/99
Bullet Theurgia Goetia (M. Henson)

Bullet The Lemegeton (17th century CE):
Book III, Ars Paulina (15th Century CE?)
Bullet The Peterson Edition (1999)
Edited from MSS. in the British Museum (Twilit Grotto) New Link! 11/99
Bullet The Pauline Art (M. Henson)

Bullet The Lemegeton (17th century CE):
Book IV, Ars Almadel (15th Century CE?)
Bullet The Peterson Edition (1999)
Edited from MSS. in the British Museum (Twilit Grotto) New Link! 11/99
Bullet The Art Almadel (M. Henson)

Bullet The Lemegeton (17th century CE):
Book V, Ars Notoria (13th Century CE?)
Bullet The Turner Translation (1657) (Twilit Grotto) New Link! 11/99

Bullet Liber Juratus: The Sworn Book of Honorius (12th century CE?)
Bullet The Peterson Edition (1998)
Edited from MSS. in the British Museum (Twilit Grotto) New Link! 11/99

Bullet Arbatel De Magia Veterum (1575)
Bullet The Turner Translation (1655) (Twilit Grotto) New Link! 11/99

Bullet The Sword of Moses (10th century CE?)
Bullet The Gaster Translation (1896) (Twilit Grotto) New Link! 11/99

Bullet (Pseudo-) Pietro d’Abano: Heptameron, or Magical Elements (n.d.)
Bullet The Turner Translation (1655) (Twilit Grotto) New Link! 11/99

Bullet The Book of Power of Master Aptolcater (Abd al-Kadir) (n.d.)
Bullet The Shah Edition (19VV) (Picatrix) New Link! 11/99

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