The List

There are those that cling to a singular view of all things biblical. If it is not in the King James Bible exactly the way he had it translated, it is a fake, a forgery, or an insidious plot by Satan to corrupt the minds of men. Those works referenced here are not mentioned in the Bible but are associated with it. All, of course, are controversial to some, but authenticity is an individual decision. Anything else is, in any case, intellectual censorship. It should be noted that the references linked in this section are random and individual research must be done on all the books.

Really, it’s a “partial list”, as we have compiled a list of 500+ books that have been associated with the Bible either through archeological research or historical documentation, but not all are found here due to certain limitations (i.e. Vatican secrecy, MS script censorship, lost manuscripts, early-church book burnings, etc.). There is no guarantee that the books listed here are inspired works, or genuine books actually included in original versions of writings used by, and considered true by the Early Christian Church. We do not list ANY books believed to be written after the corruption of doctrine by the Universal Church established by the Emperor Constantine in the Fourth Century AD.

We appreciate any additions, links to new material, or verifiable documentation on the authenticity or lack thereof of any book listed here.


We have 421 titles in “bluethat can be found in our library.
We have 61 titles with a “strike throughshowing it is still lost.
We have 1 title in “redthat can only be found in print form.



Abercius, Inscription of

Abgarus, King of Edessa and The Epistle of Jesus Christ 

Abraham, Book of

Abraham, Testament of

Acts of a King

Adam, The Book of

Adam, The Apocalypse of (Revelation of)

Adam and Eve, The Books of (Latin Translation)

Adam and Eve, The Life of (Slavonic Translation)

Adam and Eve, The First Book of 

Adam and Eve, The Second Book of 

Addeus The Apostle, The Teachings of 

Against The Heresies 

Ages of The World, The


Ahijah, The Prophecy of

Ahikar, Grand Vizier of Assyria, The Story of


Andrew, Acts and Martyrdom of The Holy Apostle 

Andrew, Gospel of

Andrew and Matthew, The Acts of

Andrew, Other Books of

Anointing, On The

Anti-Marcionite Prologues, The

Apelles, Gospel of

Apocalypsis Mosis

Apocryphal Psalms


Apollonius, Acts of

Apostolic Constitutions, The

Apostles, Acts of The 2

Apostles, The Teachings of The

Apostles, The Epistle of The

Apostles Creed, The

Apostrophe to Zion

Archangel Michael And King Zedekiah, The

Archons, The Hypostasis of The

Aristeas, The Letter of

Aristides, Apology of

Aristo of Pella




Assorted Manuscripts

Athanasius: On The Incarnation

Athenagoras of Athens, A Plea for The Christians

Athenagoras of Athens, On The Resurrection of The Dead

Augustine, The Writings of

Authoritative Teaching


Baptism, On The

Baptismal Liturgy, A

Baralâm Yewâsef

Barnabas, The Acts of

Barnabas, The Epistle of

Barnabas, Gospel of 

Bartholomew, The Apostle

Bartholomew, Gospel of

Bartholomew, Martyrdom of

Baruch, The Second Book of

Baruch, The Third Book of

Baruch, The Fourth Book of, Paraleipomena Jeremiou

Basilides, The Gospel of

Book of Hymns, The

Book of Statutes, The


Carpus, Acts of


Calendrical Document, (Mishmarot)

Celsus: Fragments from Origen

Celsus’ View of Christians and Christianity

Cerinthus, Gospel of

Cerinthus, Revelation of

Chosen One, The

Christ and Abgarus, The Letters of

Christ Epistle by The Manichees

Christ Hymn Taught to Disciples

Christian Sibyllines

City of God, The

Claudius Apollinaris

Clement I

Clement II

Clement of Alexandria

Clement to James, The Epistle of

Clement, Letters to Corinth

Clement, The Recognitions of

Clementine, The Homilies

Cleodemus Malchus

Colossians, The Epistle from Laodicea to The

Community Rule

Concerning The Jews

Copper Scroll, The

Corinth, The Epistle to

Corinthians, 3

Covenant, Book of The

Creator, Hymn to The

Cyprian, The Writings of


Damascus Document, The

Daniel, Apocalypse of

Daniel and Susanna

Daniel, The Vision of

David, The Annals of King

David, Apocryphal Psalms of

Demetrius The Chronographer




Dionysius of Corinth

Discourse on The Eighth and Ninth

Divine-Throne Chariot, The

Dura-Europos Gospel Harmony


Egerton Gospel

Ebionites, Gospel of The

Egyptians, Gospel of The

Elchasai, Book of

Elchasar, Book of

Eldad and Modad

Elijah, The Apocalypse of

Elijah, Book of

Encratites, Gospel of The

Enoch (Ethiopic Apocalypse of Enoch)

Enoch, Book of

Enoch, Secrets of

Enoch (Another Version)

Enoch and The Watchers

Enoch 3

Epistle of Adrian

Epistle of Antoninus to The Common Assembly of Asia

Ephesians 2

Ephraim of Syria`s – Hymn Against Bar-Daisan

Ephraim of Syria`s  – The Pearl: Seven Hymns on The Faith

Epiphanes On Righteousness

Epistula Apostolorum

Esra, Fifth Book of

Esra, Sixth Book of

Esdras, The Revelation of

Esther, The Remaning Chapters of

Eucharist, On The

Eugnostos The Blessed

Eupolemus, Pseudo

Eve, Gospel of

Exhortation Based On The Flood


Ezekiel, Apocryphon of

Ezekiel The Tragedian

Ezra (Greek), Apocalypse of

Ezra, Questions of

Ezra, Fourth Book of


Fayyum Fragment

Flavius Josephus

Formulary of Blessing, A



Gad The Seer, Book of


Galen, On The Natural Faculties

Galen, Exhortation to The Study of The Arts, Especially Medicine

Galen, On Diagnosis in Dreams

Genesis, Commentaries on

Genesis and Exodus, A Reworking of

Giants, The Book of, (Attributed to Enoch)

Gilgamesh Epic, The Flood Narrative from The

Gospel of Truth


Hebrews, Gospel of (Hebrews 2)


Helkesaites, Book of The


Heresies, Against The

Hesychius, False Gospels of The

Hippolytus of Rome

Holy Twelve Apostles, Gospel of The

Hosea Commentary

Hymn of The Initiants, A

Hymns of Triumph



Iddo Genealogies

Iddo, Story of Prophet

Iddo The Seer, Visions of

IEOU, The First Book of

In Praise of Wisdom

Infancy Gospel (Arabic)

Infancy Gospel of James

Infancy Gospel of Thomas (Greek A)

Infancy Gospel of Thomas (Greek B)

Infancy Gospel of Thomas (Latin)

Infancy, The Gospel of Pseudo Matthew

Ignatius of Antioch

Inheritance of The Firstborn: The Messiah of David, The

Invitation to Grace After Meals

Irenaeus of Lyons

Isaac, Testament of

Isaiah, Ascension of

Isaiah, The Martyrdom of


Israel and The Holy Land


Jacob, Ladder of

Jacob, Prayer of

Jacob, The Vision of

James, Secret Book of

Jannes and Jambres


James, The First Apocalypse of

James, The Second Apocalypse of 

James, The Apocryphon of

James, The Book of The Gospel of

James, The Gospel of

Jehu, Book of

Jesus Christ, The Sophia of

Jesus, Epistle to Peter and Paul

Jesus, The Sayings of

Jeremiah, Letter of

Jeu, Books of

Job, Testament of

Job, Targum of

Jonathan, Prayer for King

John, Acts of

John, Apocryphon of

John, The Book of, Concerning The Death of Mary

John The Evangelist

John The Theologian, The Revelation of

Joseph, Prayer of

Joseph of Arimathea and Aseneth

Joseph of Arimathea, The Narrative of

Joseph The Carpenter, The History of

Jubilees, Book of

Judas Iscariot, Gospel of

Jude, Gospel of

Jude, The Missing Epistle of

Julius Cassianus

Justin Martyr, First Apology

Justin Martyr, Second Apology

Justin Martyr, Dialogue with Trypho

Justin Martyr, Fragments from The Lost Writings of Justin

Justin Martyr, Address to The Greeks

Justin Martyr, On The Sole Government of God

Justin Martyr, On The Resurrection

Justin Martyr, Discourse to The Greeks


Kerygmata Petrou

Kings, The Third Book of

Kings, The Fourth Book of

Knowledge, The Interpretation of


Laodiceans, The Epistle to

Last Days: A Commentary on Selected Verses

Letter of The Law : Ordinances, The

Lentitus, Acts of The Apostle

Leontius, Acts of The Apostle

Leucius, Acts of The Apostle

Leuthon, Acts of The Apostle


Litany Of The Angels, The

Liturgical Calendar, A

Liturgy, A

Lucian of Samosata, Alexander The False Prophet

Lucian of Samosata, The Passing of Peregrinus

Lucianus, The False Gospels of


Maccabees, Third Book of

Maccabees, Fourth Book of

Maccabees, Fifth Book of


Manasseh, The Prayer of

Maniclees, Acts of The Apostles


Marcion, Gospel of The Lord

Mara Bar Serapion

Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius to The Senate, Epistle of

Mark, The Secret Gospel of

Martyrdom of The Holy Martyrs, The

Mary, Excerpts from Gospel of

Mary, The Gospel of The Nativity of


Mary of Bethany, (Magdalene), The Gospel of

Mary, The Passing of 

Matthew, The Acts and Martyrdom of

Matthias, Book of

Mathetes to Diognetus, Epistle of

Matthias, Traditions of

Maximus of Jerusalem

Meditation on Israel’s History


Melchizedek, The Coming of

Merinthus, Gospel of

Melito of Sardis

Michael, Words of

Montanist Anonymous Anti-

Morning Hymn

Moses, The Assumption of, The Testament of

Moses, Book of

Moses, Prayer of

Moses, The Sixth Book of

Moses, The Seventh Book of

Moses, The Revelation of

Moses, The Words of

Muratorian Canon


Naassene Fragment

Nabonindus, The Healing of King


Nathan The Prophet

Nazarenes, The Gospel According to The

Nazarene Prophecy Source

Nazarenes, Gospel of The

New Jerusalem

Nicodemus, The Gospel of (Acts of Pilate)

Norea, The Thought of



Octavius of Minucius Felix

Ophite Diagrams



Origin of The World, On The


Osee, The Prophecy of

Oxyrhynchus 840 Gospel

Oxyrhynchus 1224 Gospel




Parable of The Bountiful Tree, The

Paralipomenon, The First Book of

Paralipomenon, The Second Book of

Passion Narrative, The

Passion of The Scillitan Martyrs

Patriarchs, Lives of The

Patriarchs, Tales of The

Paul, Acts of

Paul, The Apocalypse of

Paul (Coptic), The Apocalypse of

Paul, The Prayer of The Apostle

Paul, Revelation of

Paul and Seneca, The Correspondence of

Paul and Thecla, Acts of

Paul, The Vision of

Perfect Mind, The Thunder

Perfection, Gospel of

Perpetua and Felicitas, The Martyrdom of

Perpetua, The Story of

Peter, Acts of

Peter, Additional Acts of

Peter and Andrew, The Acts of

Peter, The Apocalypse of

Peter, Doctrine of

Peter, Gospel of

Peter to James, The Epistle of

Peter, Judgement of

Peter, Lost Gospel

Peter and Paul, The Acts of

Peter and Paul, Preachings of

Peter to Philip, Letter of

Peter, The Apocalypse of (Fragment)

Peter (Last), The Gospel of

Peter, The Lost Gospel According to

Peter (Coptic), Apocalypse of

Peter, The Preaching of

Peter, The Revelation of

Peter and The Twelve Apostles, The Acts of

Philip, The Acts of

Phillip, Additions to the Acts of

Philip, The Gospel of

Philip, Journeyings of The Apostle

Philippians 2

Philo, The Biblical Antiquities of


Phylactery (Tefillin Scroll)

Pilate, Letters of

Pilate to Tiberius

Pilate to Augustus Caesar

Pontius Pilate, The Giving Up of

Pistis Sophia

Pistis Sophia, First Book

Pistis Sophia, Second Book

Plea for Deliverance

Plea for Grace

Pliny The Younger

Polycrates of Ephesus

Polycarp, Martyrdom of

Polycarp to The Philippians

Power, The Concept of Our Great

Prayer for Intercession

Prayer of Praise

Priestly Service

Prophets, The Lives of The

Protevangelion, The

Proverbs, A Collection of

Psalms, Commentary on

Psalms: Dead Sea Scroll


Ptolemy, Commentary on The Gospel Of John Prologue

Ptolemy’s Letter to Flora


Q, The Gospel


Rechabites, History of The

Records of The Seers, The

Redemption and Resurrection

Resurrection, Treatise on The

Reworked Pentateuch

Rheginos, The Epistle to


Ritual Purity Laws


Samuel The Seer, Book of

Saviour, The Avenging of The

Savior, Dialogue of The

Savior, Gospel of The

Scillitan Martyrs, Passion of The

Scythianus, Gospel of

Secret of The Way Things Are, The

Secrets, The Book of

Sedrach, Apocalypse of

Sayings of the Seers, The

Seleucus, The Acts of The Apostles

Serapion of Antioch

Seth, Revelation of Adam`s Origin

Seth, The Second Treatise of The Great

Seth, The Three Steles of

Sextus, The Sentences of

Shem, The Paraphrase of

Shemaiah The Prophet

Shepherd of Hermas

Signs Gospel

Silvanus, The Teachings of

Simon Cephas, The Teaching of


Solomon, Acts of

Solomon, Psalms of

Solomon, The Odes of

Solomon, The Testament of

Solomon, The Wisdom of

Songs of The Sabbath Sacrifice

Sophia of Jesus Christ

Sophonias, The Prophecy of

Soul, The Exegesis on The

Stephen, The Revelation of



Syriac Apocrypha

Syriac Menander

Scythianus, The Gospel of




Tatian’s Address to The Greeks

Temple as Described in The Temple Scroll, The


Testimony of Truth, The

Thaddaeus, The Acts of

Thaddaeus, The Gospel of

Thanksgiving, The Prayer of


Theodotus, Excerpts of

Theophilus of Antioch

Theophilus of Antioch, Book 1

Theophilus of Antioch, Book 2

Theophilus of Antioch, Book 3

Theophilus of Caesarea

Thomas, Acts of

Thomas, Apocalypse of

Thomas The Contender, The Book of

Thomas The Apostle, The Consummation of

Thomas, The Gospel of

Titan, The Gospel of

Toldot Yeshu

Tongues of Fire

Torah Precepts


Treasures, The Cave of

Trimorphic Protennoia

Tripartite Tractate, The

Twelve Patriarchs, Testaments of The

Two Ways, The


Uzziah, Acts of


Valentinian Exposition, A


Victor I

Vienna and Lyons, Letter from

Virgin, The Apocalypse of The

Vision of the Son of God, A


War Rule

Wars of The Jews

Wars of The Lord, Book of The

War Scroll, The

Wiles of The Wicked Woman

The Wisdom Text


Zadokite Work, Fragments of a

Zephaniah, The Apocalypse of

Zion, Apostrophe to

Zion, A Lament for

Zosimus, Apocalypse of

Zosimus, On The Life of The Blessed
