Prayer of Praise 4Q408

The Prayer of Praise appears to begin with a recital of God’s mighty works (II. 2-6a are in the third person) and then to switch to praise in direct address (second person) in I. 6. Lines 8-1 I praise God for creating day and night and the lights to rule them. In this regard the text is similar to other poetic accounts of the heavenly cycles among the scrolls; note for example the Charter of a Jewish Sectarian Association 10:1-2 (text 5) and the Thanksgiving Psalms 20:4-5 (text 3).

Frag. 1 2[ . . . ] to You. Listen t[o all these words . . . ] 3[ . . . ] all of Israel He created together (or for a Yahad)[ . . . ] 4[ . . . ] to all Israel, for You [ . . . ] : 5[ . . . ] all, [to] make His glorious ornaments shine from [His] hol[y] habitat ion [ . . . ] 6a[ . . . ] I am pleased with Him [ . . . ] 6[in all of] Your [jud]gments

You are faithful, [in all] Your wor[d]s, O LORD, righteous in all Your ways.[ . . . ] 7[ . . . ] their [ . . . ] the one who blesses.[ . . . ] strength [ . . . ] to bring out [ . . . ] 5because You created the morning, a sign to reveal the dominion of light as a boundary of the day (?) [ . . . 3 9for their service, to bless Your holy name. You created them because the light is good and L . . . ] in all [ . . . ] ‘¡[ . . . ] because [You] crea[ted] the evening, a sign to reveal the dominion of [darkness . . . ] “[ . . . ] from toil, to bless [Your holy name]. You created them [beca]use [ . . . ]