Source – 11QPsa 26.9-15
The transcription and translation of Hymn to the Creator below are from James Sanders’ DJD edition:

9 Great and holy is the Lord, the holiest unto every generation.
9-10 Majesty precedes him, and following him is the rush of many waters.
10-11 Grace and truth surround his presence; truth and justice and righteousness are the foundation of his throne.
11-12 Separating light from deep darkness by the knowledge of his mind he established the dawn.
12 When all his angels witnessed it they sang aloud for he showed them what they had not known:
13 Crowning the hills with fruit, good food for every living being.
13-14 Blessed be he who makes the earth by his power, establishing the world in his wisdom.
14-15 By his understanding he stretched out the heavens, and brought forth [wind] from his st[orehouses].
15 He made [lightning for the rai]n, and caused mist[s] to rise [from] the end [of the earth].