
Translated by John N. Sieber

Archive Note: The small bold numbers represent pages in the original manuscript. Several large sections of this codex were lost or heavily damaged; translation of these sections is thus fragmentary. Lacunae are marked […].


[…] of the […] the words […] live forever, these I […] Zostrianos […] and […] and Iolaos, when I was in the world for these like me and [those] after me, [the] living elect. As God lives, […] the truth with truth and knowledge and eternal light.

After I parted from the somatic darkness in me and the psychic chaos in mind and the feminine desire […] in the darkness, I did not use it again. After I found the infinite part of my matter, then I reproved the dead creation within me and the divine Cosmocrater of the perceptible (world) by preaching powerfully about the All to those with alien parts.

Although I tried their ways for a little while after the necessity of begetting brought me to the revealed, I was never pleased with them, but I always separated myself from them because I came into being through a holy […], yet mixed. When I had set straight my sinless soul, then I strengthened 2 the intellectual […] and I […] in the […] of my God […] […] I having done […] grow strong in a holy spirit higher than god.

It [came] upon me alone as I was setting myself straight, [and] I saw the perfect child […] […]. With him who […] many times and many ways [he] appeared to me as a loving father, when I was seeking the male father of all (who are) in thought, perception, (in) form, race, [region …], (in) an All which restrains and is restrained, (in) a body yet without a body, (in) essence, matter and [those that] belong to all these. It is with them and the god of the unborn Kalyptos and the power [in] them all that existence is mixed.

(About) existence: how do those who exist, being from the aeon of those who exist, (come) from an invisible, undivided and self-begotten spirit? Are they three unborn images having an origin better than existence, existing prior [to] all [these], yet having become the [world …]? How are those opposite it and all these 3 […] good, he and an excuse. What is that one”s place? What is his origin? How does the one from him exist for him and all these? How [does he come into existence] as a simple one, differing [from] himself? Does he exist as existence, form, and blessedness? By giving strength is he alive with life? How has the existence which does not exist appeared from an existing power?

I pondered these things to understand them; according to the custom of my race I kept bringing them up to the god of my fathers. I kept praising them all, for my forefathers and fathers who sought found. As for me, I did not cease seeking a resting place worthy of my spirit, since I was not yet bound in the perceptible world. Then, as I was deeply troubled and gloomy because of the discouragement which encompassed me, I dared to act and to deliver myself to the wild beasts of the desert for a violent death.

There stood before me the angel of the knowledge of eternal light. He said to me, “Zostrianos, why have you gone mad as if you were ignorant of the great eternals 4 who are above? […] you […] […] say also […] that you are now saved, […] […] in eternal death, nor […] […] those whom you know in order to […] save others, [namely] my father”s chosen elect? [Do you] [suppose] that you are the father of [your race …] or that Iolaos is your father, a […] angel of god […] you through holy men? Come and pass through each of these. You will return to them another [time] to preach to a living [race …] and to save those who are worthy, and to strengthen the elect, because the struggle of the aeon is great but one”s time in this world is short.”

When he had said this [to me], I very quickly and very gladly went up with him to a great light-cloud. I cast my body upon the earth to be guarded by glories. I was rescued from the whole world and the thirteen aeons in it and their angelic beings. They did not see us, but their archon was disturbed at [our] passage, for the light-cloud 5 […] it is better than every [worldly …] one. Its beauty is ineffable. With strength it provides light [guiding] pure spirits as a spirit-savior and an intellectual word, [not] like those in the world […] with changeable matter and an upsetting word.

Then I knew that the power in me was set over the darkness because it contained the whole light. I was baptized there, and I received the image of the glories there. I became like one of them. I left the airy-[earth] and passed by the copies of the aeons, after washing there seven times [in] living [water], once for each [of the] aeons. I did not cease until [I saw] all the waters. I ascended to the Exile which really exists. I was baptized and […] world. I ascended to the Repentance which really exists [and was] baptized there four times. I passed by the 6 sixth aeon. I ascended to the […] I stood there after having seen light from the truth which really exists, from its self-begotten root, and great angels and glories, […] number.

I was baptized in the [name of] the divine Autogenes by those powers which are [upon] living waters, Michar and Micheus. I was purified by [the] great Barpharanges. Then they [revealed] themselves to me and wrote me in glory. I was sealed by those who are on these powers, [Michar] Mi[ch]eus, Seldao, Ele[nos] and Zogenethlos. I became a root-seeing angel and stood upon the first aeon which is the fourth. With the souls I blessed the divine Autogenes and the forefather Geradamas, [an eye of] the Autogenes, the first perfect [man], and Seth Emm[acha Seth], the son of Adamas, the [father of] the [immovable race …] and the [four] [lights … ]
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Mirothea, the mother […] […] and Prophania […] of the lights and De-[…] 7 […]

I was [baptized] for the second time in the name of the divine Autogenes by these same powers. I became an angel of the male race. I stood upon the second aeon which is the third, with the sons of Seth I blessed each of them.

I was baptized for the third time in the name of the divine Autogenes by each of these powers. I became a holy angel. I stood upon the third aeon which is the second. I blessed each of them.

I was baptized for the fourth time by [each of] these powers. I became [a] perfect [angel] [I stood upon] the fourth aeon [which is the first], and [I blessed each of them.]

Then I sought […] I said […] I […] of […] I
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[…] why […] […] with power […] about them in another way in the reports 8 of men? Are these their powers? Or, are these the ones, but their names differ from one another? Are there souls different from souls? Why are people different from one another? What and in what way are they human?”

The great ruler on high, Authrounios, said to me, “Are you asking about those whom you have passed by? And about this airy-earth, why it has a cosmic model? And about the aeon copies, how many there are, and, why they are [not] in pain? And, about Exile and Repentance and the creation of the [aeons] and the world which […] really […] you, about […] me, them […] nor […] you […] invisible [spirit …] and the […] of […]
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and […] […] when I […]

9 The great ruler on high, Authrounios, said to me, “The airy-earth came into being by a word, yet it is the begotten and perishable ones whom it reveals by its indestructibility. In regard to the coming of the great judges, (they came) so as not to taste perception and to be enclosed in creation, and when they came upon it and saw through it the works of the world, they condemned its ruler to death because he was a model of the world, a […] and an origin of matter begotten of lost darkness.

When Sophia looked at […] them she produced the darkness, as she [… she] is beside the [… he is a] model […] of essence […] form […] to an image […] I […] the All
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[…] darkness […] […] say […] powers [… aeons] of [creation …] to see any of the eternal ones. 10 he saw a reflection. In relation to the reflection which he saw in it, he created the world. With a reflection of a reflection he worked at producing the world, and then even the reflection belonging to visible reality was taken from him. But to Sophia a place of rest was given in exchange for her repentance. Thus, there was in her no prior reflection, pure in itself beforehand.

After they had already come into being through it, he used his imagination (and) produced the remainder, for the image of Sophia was always being lost because her countenance was deceiving. But the Archon […] and made a body which […] concerning the greater […] down […] when I saw […] to the heart […]
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he having […]
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perfect through […]
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[…] through him, as he 11 [revealed] the destruction of the world by his [immutability]. It is in the following way that the copies of the aeons exist. They have not obtained a single power”s shape. It is eternal glories that they possess, and they dwell in the judgment seats of each of the powers.

But when souls are illuminated by the light in them and (by) the model which often comes into being in them without suffering, she did not think that she saw […] and the eternal […] in the blessed […] each single one […] each of […] light [… all], and she […] whole, and she […] and a […] and she […] she who
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of repentance. [Souls] 12 are located according to the power they have in themselves, […] lower are produced by the copies. Those who receive a model of their souls are still in the world. They came into being after the departure of the aeons, one by one, and they are removed one by one from the copy of Exile to the Exile that really exists, from the copy of Repentance to the Repentance that really exists, [and from the] copy of Autogenes to [the Autogenes] that really exists. The remainder […] the souls […] exist in a […] all […] of aeons […]
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and […] [through … ] the […]
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of […] these […] 13 [blessed the] god above, the great aeons, the unborn Kalyptos, the great male Protophanes, the perfect child who is higher than god, and his eye, Pigeradamas.

I called upon the Child of the Child, Ephesech. He stood before me and said, “O angel of god, O son of the father, […] the perfect man. Why are you calling on me and asking about those things which you know, as though you were [ignorant] of them?” And I said, “I have asked about the mixture […] it is perfect and gives […] there is power which [has … those] in which we receive baptism […] these names are [different …] and why […] from one […] in the [… from] others […] men [… different]
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14 He said, “[Zost]rianos, listen about these […] for the first […] origins are three because they have appeared in a single origin [of] the Barbelo aeon, not like some origins and powers, nor like (one) from an origin and power. It is to every origin that they have appeared; they have strengthened every power; and they appeared from that which is far better than themselves. These (three) are Existence, Blessedness and Life. […] […] their companions […] in a […] and concerning the […] having named […] more than […] and […] a perfect […] from a
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15 And a water of each one of them […] ; therefore […] waters are the perfect ones. It is the water of life that belongs to Vitality in which you now have been baptized in the Autogenes. It is in the [water] of Blessedness which belongs to Knowledge that you will be baptized in the Protophanes. It is the water of Existence [which] belongs to Divinity, the Kalyptos. Now the water of Life [exists in relation to …] power; that belonging to Blessedness in relation to essence; that belonging to [Divinity] in relation to [Existence …]. But all these […] authority and […] those who […] water which [becomes pure …] […] according to [… when they] depart
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[…] 16 Existence as [he] is in it. [He] not only [was dwelling] in Thought, but he also […] them that it is he who is [Being] in the following way. In order that this world might not be endless and formless, he placed a […] over it; but in order that [he] might become something, the truly young crossed it with what is his, [thus] Existence. It is with the [son] that he is located, with him that he seeks, him that he surrounds […] everywhere […] from the truth […] takes him who […] exists […] activity […] life […] his word also […] are these after […] they became […]
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[…] 17 and the power is with the Essence and Existence of Being, when the water exists. But the name in which they wash is a word of the water. Then the first perfect water of the triple-power of the Autogenes [is] the perfect soul”s life, for it is a word of the perfect god while coming into being […] for the Invisible Spirit is a fountain of them all. Thus, the rest are from [knowledge …] as his likeness. [But] he who knows himself […] what kind and what […] alive at one time […] live with a […] he is the […] life, in the […] become [limitless … ] his [… his] [own … ] the name
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18 he really exists. It is he because he limits himself. They approach the water according to this single power and the likeness of order.

The great male invisible Mind, the perfect Protophanes has his own water as you [will see] when you arrive at his place. This is also the case with the unborn Kalyptos. In accordance with each one exists a partial entity with a first form, so that they might become perfect in this way; for the self-begotten aeons are four perfect entities. [The] individuals of the all-perfect ones […] them as perfect individuals. And the […] aeon […] of the Autogenes […] for all […] [perfect] male […] for the alls […] [perfect god … the triple-] male […] [perfect] individual […] in the […]
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19 perfect, those who exist according to a form, a race, an All and a partial difference. This is also the case with the highway of ascent which is higher than perfect and Kalyptos.

The Autogenes is the chief archon of his own aeons and angels as his parts, for those who are the four individuals belong to him; they belong to the fifth aeon together. The fifth exists in one; the four [are] the fifth, part by part. But these [four] are complete individually [because they] have a […] it is also […] with [the triple male] individual […] for he is a […] of […] god, the invisible [Protophanes] [… male] mind […] which exists
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20 living and perfect parts.

(About) the All and the all-perfect race and the one who is higher than perfect and blessed. The self-begotten Kalyptos pre-exists because he is an origin of the Autogenes, a god and a forefather, a cause of the Protophanes, a father of the parts that are his. As a divine father he is foreknown: but he is unknown, for he is a power and a father from himself. Therefore, he is [fatherless]. The Invisible Triple Powerful, First Thought [of] all [these], the Invisible Spirit […] is a […] and Essence which […] and Existence […] there are [existences] the […] blessed […] the […] all these […] the […]
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21 exist in them, [and] they […] in others […] by them all in many places. They are in every place that he loves and desires, yet they are not in any place. They have capacity for spirit, for they are incorporeal yet are better than incorporeal. They are undivided with living thoughts and a power of truth with those purer than these since with respect to him they are purer and are not like the bodies which are in one place. Above all, they have necessity either in relation to the All or to a part. Therefore, the way of ascent […] it is pure […] each […] herself and
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[…] them
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[… above all]
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22 particular aeons.

Then [he said], “How then can he contain an eternal model? The general intellect shares when the self-begotten water becomes perfect. It one knows him and all these, one is the protophanic water. If one joins oneself with all these, one is that water which belongs to Kalyptos, whose image is still in the aeons. To understand individually all their parts, they are […] , those of the All where knowledge is. They have [separated] from the one whom they knew and (from) fellowship with one another. The All and all these, when they […] wash in the [washing of] [Autogenes] he […] of […]
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23 he appears to [him], that is, when one knows how he exists for him and (how) he has fellowship with their companions, one has washed in the washing of Protophanes. And if in understanding the origin of these, how they all appear from a single origin, how all who are joined come to be divided, how those who are divided join again, and how the parts [join with] the alls and the species and [kinds – if] one understands these things, one has washed in the washing of Kalyptos.

According to each of [the] places one has a portion of the eternal ones [and] ascends […] as he […] pure and simple, he is always […] one of the […] [always] he is pure for simpleness. He is filled […] [in …] Existence and a holy spirit. There is 24 nothing of his outside of him. He can [see] with his perfect soul those who belong to Autogenes; with his mind , those who belong to the Triple Male, and with his holy spirit, those who belong to Protophanes. He can learn of Kalyptos through the powers of the spirit from whom they have come forth in a far better revelation of the Invisible Spirit. And by means of thought which now is in silence and by First Thought (he learns) of the Triple Powerful Invisible Spirit, since there is then a report and power of silence which is purified in a life-giving spirit. (It is) perfect and […] perfect and all-perfect.

Glories, therefore, which are set over these, are [life-givers] who have been baptized in truth and knowledge. Those who are worthy are guarded, but those who [are] not from this race […] and go […] these who […] […] in the fifth, he being […] […] copy […] of the aeons […] namely a washing but if [he] strips off the world 25 and lays aside [knowledge], and (if) he is he who has no dwelling place and power, then because he follows the ways of the others, he is also a sojourner, but (if) he is one who has committed no sin because knowledge was sufficient for him, he is not anxious when he repents, and then washings are appointed” in these in addition.

(Concerning) (the path …) to the self-begotten ones, those in which you have now been baptised each time, (a path) worthy of seeing the [perfect …] individuals: it serves as knowledge of the All since it came into being from the powers of the self-begotten ones, the one you acquire when you pass through the all-perfect aeons. When you receive the third washing […], you will learn about the […] really […] in [that] place.

About these names, they are as follows: because he is one, they […] is like […] while he [came into being …] exists and […] a word they [said …] 26 This is a name which really exists together with [these] within her. These who exist do so in […] … resembles. His resemblance in kind (is) within what is his own. He can see it, understand it enter it, (and) take a resemblance from it. Now (they can) speak aloud and hear sounds, but they are unable to obey because they are perceptible and somatic. Therefore, just as they are able to contain them by containing them thus, so is he an image which is […] in this way, having come into existence in perception [by] a word which is better than material nature but lower than intellectual essence.

Do not be amazed about the differences among souls. When they think they are different and do [not resemble] […] of those who […] and that […] aloud […] he being lost […] their [souls] […] body, and that [… his] time, he […] a desire, 27 their souls exist as […] their body. As for those who are totally pure, there are four […] that they possess; but those [in] time are nine. Each one of them has its species and its custom. Their likenesses differ in being separated, and they stand.

Other immortal souls associate with all these souls because of the Sophia who looked down; for there are three species of immortal soul: first, those who have taken root upon the Exile because they have no ability to beget, (something) that only those who follow the ways of the others have, the one being a single species which […]; being second, those who stand [upon the] Repentance which […] sin, (it) being sufficient [… knowledge …] being new […] and he has […] difference […] they have sinned with the others [and] 28 they have repented with the others […] from them alone, for […] are species which exist in […] with those who committed all sins and repented. Either they are parts, or they desired of their own accord. Therefore, their other aeons are six according to the place which has come to each (fem.) of them. The third (species) is that of the souls of the self-begotten ones because they have a word of the ineffable truth, one which exists in knowledge and [power] from themselves alone and eternal [life]. They have four differences like the species of angels who exist: those who love the truth; those who hope; those who believe having […]; those who are […] They exist, he being […] the self-begotten ones […] he is the one belonging to [perfect … life]; the second is […] the […] knowledge […] the fourth is that one [belonging to the] immortal [souls …]

29 The four Lights dwell [there] in the following way. [Armozel] is placed upon the first aeon. (He is) a promise of god, […] of truth and a joining of soul. Oroiael, a power (and) seer of truth, is set over the second. Daveithe, a vision of knowledge, is set over the third. Eleleth, an eager desire and preparation for truth, is set over the fourth. The four exist because they are expressions of truth and knowledge. They exist, although they do not belong to Protophanes but to the mother, for she is a thought of the perfect mind of the light, so that immortal souls might receive knowledge for themselves. […] at these, the Autogenes […]rse[…]oas, a life […] all he is a word […] ineffable […] truth he who says [… revelation] concerning the […] that it exists as […] exists above in […] 30 [… joined] in a yoking of it in light and thought within his […].

Since Adamas, the perfect man, is an eye of Autogenes, it is his knowledge which comprehends that the divine Autogenes is a word of the perfect mind of truth. The son of Adam, Seth, comes to each of the souls. As knowledge he is sufficient for them. Therefore, [the] living [seed] came into existence from him. Mirothea is […] the divine Autogenes, a […] from her and […], she being a thought of the perfect mind because of that existence of hers. What is it? Or did she exist? […] does she exist? Therefore, the divine Autogenes is word and knowledge, and the knowledge [… word.] Therefore […] Adarn a [s …] of the [simple ones] when she appeared […] a change of [the] souls […] she herself is […] […] perfect.

Concerning the [perfect one …] angelic beings 31 […] [becomes then] [souls] [die …] [… the world …] […] the copies […] really […] which [exists] […] repentance […] to this place […] which exists […] aeons, if […] and she loves […] she stands upon […] aeon having the Light [Ele]leth […] become a […] god-seer [But] if she hopes, then she perceives. And a […] race […] she stands upon
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32 […] she is chosen
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[…] light Ar[mozel]

[…] one […] [bless] upon the [power …] you stand upon […] the light which […] and without measure […] the aeon is great […] […] those alone […] from the perfect […] that power […] be able, and […] be able […] of his soul […] perceptible […] not with […] [… but] you are […] individually […] there being nothing […] him […] which he […]
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[in …] 33 and […] upon every one […] every […] […] formless […] […] and this one […] and this [model …] […] and some […] eternal, nor […] an all […] increasing from this […] he is light […] because he lacked […] the perfect mind […] undivided […] perfect light […] and he is in […] Adamas [… the] Autogenes […] and he goes […] mind […] the divine Kalyptos […] knowledge […] but […] soul
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34 […] existence […] she having
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[…] some second powers and […] and some third […] appear […] which […]
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soul […]

And the aeons […] dwelling place […] souls and […] gods […] higher than god […] of the self-begotten ones […] Autogenes […] first […] angel […] invisible […] some […] soul and […] aeons […] and to the souls […] angel […]
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35 she […] eternal […] times. And […]
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and if […] namely a soul […] becomes an [angel …], and […] world […] angels and […] that holy one […] and aeon which [… Autog]enes has […] them, the […] […] archon […] they have […] difference which […] she is not, to speak
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[…] and […] divine Autogenes […] which exists […] hear […] Autogenes […] of
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36 […] has […] existence […] life […] exist, concerning [the] […] word […] the child […] male for a generation […]
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invisible spirit […] in the perfect […]
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and an origin […] love and […] of Barbelo […] and a […] the […] mind […]

These are two […] thought […] from the […] in Barbelo […] and the Kalyptos […] all these […] the virgin […] she [appears] in a […] and […]
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37 in that one […] power
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[he is not] from [him, but …] (is) from the power of that one [… really … exists], she […] is his […] they being first […] of that one […] and he is the […] he alone […] give him enough […] to him […] all, he gives […] through the […] for [because of] him some […] in order that he might […] and that one which […] him […] undivided […] Barbelo […] in order that he might […] blessedness
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[…] all […] he comes
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38 a […] of the perfect [mind …] and he […] perfect spirit […] perfect, he lives forever […] him, and […] he exists […] of the […] he is [a word] from […] which is in […] of them all […] eternal […] […] in the triple-[powerful is in the […] […] those which [are perfect […] the Protophanes […] mind, but […] pure[…] and he […] of an image […] appear […] and the […]
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him […]
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39 […] […] namely
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[…] because of him they […] I mark it […] he is simple […] for he is […] as he exists […] as to another […] that is, […] need.

Concerning […] triple-male […] really exists of […] mind knowledge […] those who exist […] which he has […] really exist […] and a […] […] and she […] second […] perfect which […] appear […] in him they […] Kalyptos
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[… species …]
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40 (4 lines unrecoverable)
second species […] a knowledge […] [Protophanes …] [male …] he has […] existence […] unborn, they […] third […] [… he] has […] knowledge and […] exist together […] all-perfect […] blessed since there is not […]
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god […] with him […]
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perfect […] of the […] Kalyptos […]
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41 […] know […] of [… Protophanes …] […] the mind […] the powers […] the all […] and he [exists] […] this knowledge.

[…] divine, the Autogenes. [The] divine [Autogenes] […] the child […] triple-male, this male […] is […] and a species […] perfect because it does not have […] in a […] knowledge like that one […] a being of the individuals [and] a single knowledge of the individuals […] according to the all […] perfect. But the male […] mind the Kalyptos, [but] the […] divine Kalyptos […] and a power […] of all these [… really …]
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[Protophanes …]
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42 [Protophanes …] […] mind
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she who belongs to the all […] unborn […] man […] they […] with that one who […] and he who […] he who dwells […] […] in the perceptible [world …] he is alive with that dead one […] […] all […] obtain salvation […] that dead one.

And all of them did not need salvation […] first, but they are safe and exist very humbly. Now (about) the man [of] those who are dead: his soul, [his mind and his body all [are dead]. Sufferings […] fathers of […] material […] the fire […]
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43 it crosses over. And the second man is the immortal soul in those who are dead. If it is anxious over itself, then [when it seeks] those things which are profitable [according to …] each one of them, [then it] experiences bodily suffering. They […] and it [… because] it has an eternal god, it associates with daimons.

Now concerning the man in the Exile; when he discovers the truth in himself, he is far from the deeds of the others who exist [wrongly] (and) stumble. (Concerning) the man who repents: when he renounces the dead and desires those things which are because of immortal mind and his immortal soul, first he […] makes an inquiry about it, not about conduct but about their deeds, for from him he […] […] and […] obtain […] 44 and the man who can be saved is the one who seeks him and his mind and who finds each one of them. Oh how much power he has! And the man who is saved is the one who has not known how these […] exist, but he himself by means of [the] word as it exists […] received each one […] in every place, having become simple and one, for then he is saved because he can pass through all [these]. He becomes the […] all these. If he [desires] again, then he parts from them all, and he withdraws to himself [alone]; for he can become divine by having taken refuge in god.”

When I heard this, I brought a blessing to the living and unborn God in truth and (to) the unborn Kalyptos and the Protophanes, the invisible, male, perfect Mind, and the invisible triple-male Child [and to the] divine Autogenes. 45 I said to the child of the child Ephesek who was with me, “Can your wisdom instruct me about the scattering of the man who is saved, and (about) those who are mixed with him, and who those are who share with him, in order that the living elect might know?”

Then the child of the child Ephesek told [me …] openly, “If he withdraws to himself alone many times, and if he comes into being with reference to the knowledge of the others, Mind and the immortal [Origin] will not understand. Then it has a shortage, […] for he turns, has nothing and separates from it and stands […] and comes into being by an alien [impulse …I, instead of becoming one. Therefore, he bears many forms. When he turns aside, he comes into being seeking those things that do not exist. When he falls down to them in thought and knows them in another way because he is powerless, unless perhaps 46 he is enlightened, he becomes a product of nature. Thus he comes down to birth because of it and is speechless because of the pains and infiniteness of matter. Although he possesses an eternal and immortal power, he is bound within the [movement] of the body. He is [made] alive and is bound [always] within cruel, cutting bonds by every evil breath, until he [acts] again and begins again to come to his senses.

Therefore, powers are appointed for their salvation, and each one of them is in the world. Within the self-begotten ones corresponding to each of the [aeons] stand glories so that one who is in the [world] might be safe beside them. The glories are perfect thoughts appearing in powers. They do not perish because they [are] models for salvation [by] which each one is saved. He receives a model (and) strength from each of them, and with the glory as a helper he will thus pass out from the world [and the aeons …].

These 47 are the guardians of the immortal soul: Gamaliel and Strempsouchos, Akramas and Loel, and Mnesinous. [This is the] immortal spirit, Yesseus- Mazareu[s]-Ye[s]sedekeus. He is […] of the child […] or, the child of the child, and […] But Ormos is […] on the living seed and Kam[…]el is the spirit-giving. There stand before [them] Seisauel and Audael and Abrasax, the myriads-Phaleris, Phalses, [and] Eurios, the guardians of [the] glory-Stetheus, Theo[pe]mptos, Eurumeneus and Olsen. Their assistants in everything are Ba[…]mos, [.]son, Eir[.]n, Lalameus, Eidomeneus and Authrounios. The judges are Sumphthar, Eukrebos and Keilar. The inheritor is Samblo. The angels who guide the clouds are the clouds Sappho and Thouro.”

When he had said these things, he told me about all of those in the self-begotten aeons. They were all 48 eternal Lights, perfect because they were perfected individually. I saw corresponding to each one of the aeons a living earth, a living water, [air made] of light and a fire [that] cannot burn, because all of [them …] are simple and immutable, simple and eternal [living beings], having […] of many kinds, trees of many kinds that do not perish, [also] tares of this sort and all of these: imperishable fruit, living men and every species, immortal souls, every form and species of mind, true gods, angels existing in great glory, an indissoluable body, an unborn birth and an immovable perception. Also there was the one who suffers, although he is unable to suffer, for he was a power of a power.

49 […] […] change […] indissoluable […] these […] all […] they are […] they [… through all] of them [… exist] in [… exist] […] come into being
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(lines 12ff do not survive) 50 of […] [simple …] perfect […] eternal […] aeons […] and the […] receive power […] and their […] in a […] for […] […] not […] (lines 12ff do not survive)

51 […] in […]thorso[…]s […] silence […] he is […] […] he is god […] we were blessing […] Geradama[s] [… mother] of […] […] she is the glory […] our […] mother […] and Pleistha [the mother] of the angels with [the son] of Adam, Se[th] [Emma]cha Seth, the father of [the] immovable [race …] and […] [the] four Lights, Arm[mosel], [Oroia]el, Daveithe, Eleleth. [Each of these] we blessed by name. [We] saw the self-controlled [glory], the triple […] triple-male […] majesty, as we said “You are one, you are [one], you are one, child 52 of [the child] Yato[…] exist […]
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[… you are] one, you […] Semelel […] Telmachae[…] omothem[…] male […] […] he begets [… the] self-controlled [glory …] can desire him whom […] all-perfect […] all. Akron […] the triple-male, a a […] o o o o o b + i r e i s e […] you are spirit from spirit; you are light from light; you are [silence …] from silence; [you are] thought from thought, the son of [god] the god, seven … […] … let us speak […]
53 (3 lines unrecoverable)
[…] word […] the […] […] and the […]
(1 line unrecoverable)
[…] not a time […] invisible Barbelo […] the […] the triple-male Prones, and she who belongs to all the glories, Youel.

[When I was] baptized the fifth [time] in the name of the Autogenes by each of these powers, I became divine. [I] stood upon the fifth aeon, a preparation of all [these], (and) saw all those belonging to the Autogenes who really exist. I was baptized five 54 times […] and […] of the […] zareu[s] from […] that […] perfect […] and the great […] glory, she who belongs to […]
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god, the […] appear […] perfect which is doubled […] she who belongs to all the species […] male, the self-controlled glory, the mother […] [the] glories, Youel, and the [four] Lights of [the] [great] Protophanes, Mind, Selmen, [and those] with him, the god-[revealers] Zach[thos] and Yachthos, Sethe[us] and An-tiphan[te]s, [Sel-] dao and Ele[n]nos […] 55 […] […] go […] the […] their […] likeness [… exist] as […] of the […], for […] see […] […] aeon […] more […] Light […] more glories […] the following are in accordance with [each one] of the aeons: a living [earth] and a [living] water, and air made of light and a blazing fire which cannot [burn], and living beings and trees and souls [and] minds and men [and] all those who are [with them], but (there are) no gods [or] powers or angels, for all these 56 are […] and […] and […] exist […] all […] all […] […] all […] […] they being […] and they being […]

[…] and […] [and] those […] him, the Autogenes. [I] received a likeness from [all] these. The aeons [of the] Autogenes opened (and) a [great Light] came forth […] from the aeons of the [triple-] male, and they [glorified] them. The four aeons were desiring within a […] aeon the […] pattern […] single one existing […] Then E[phesek], the child of the child […]
57 (4 lines unrecoverable)
[… Yesseus] Maza [reus Yessede]keus […] […] of [… seal …] upon him […] and Gabriel
(1 line unrecoverable)
[…] seal […] four races

There came before me she who belongs to [the glories], the male and [virginal …] Yoel. [I] deliberated about the crowns, (and) she said to me, “Why [has] your spirit deliberated [about] the crowns and the [seals] on them […] are the crowns which strengthen every [spirit …] and every soul, and [the] seals which are [upon] the triple races and […] the invisible spirit 58 are […]
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and […] [virgin …] […] and […] […] seek […] […]in the[…] [in] them […] […] and […] […] he [strengthened] and the seals […] race are those belonging to the Autogenes and the Protophanes and the Kalyptos.

The [Invisible] Spirit [is] a psychic and intellectual power, a knower and a fore-knower. Therefore he is with [Gabriel] the spirit-giver [so that] when he gives a holy spirit he might seal him with the crown and crown him, [having] gods […] 59 […] […] the
(2 lines unrecoverable)
[…] the
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[…] […] spirit […] to one (fem.)
(1 line unrecoverable)
[…] they exist […] and they were not [in] them in order that they might [become] simple and [might] not be doubled [according to] any pattern. [These] then are the simple, perfect individuals. […] and all these […] of the aeons […] him, all these […] who exist in a place […] all-perfect it required a great […] to see them, for […]
60 (3 lines unrecoverable)
perfect […]
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[…] every […] exist […] he is […] [hear] him […] […] and […] in thought […] a first thought […] since […] is in a power she is perfect […] it is fitting for you to […] about everything, and […] those to whom you will listen through a thought of those higher than perfect and also those whom you will [know] in a soul [of] the perfect ones.”

[When] she has said this, she [baptized me]
61 (6 lines unrecoverable)
[…] the first [… and] I received power
(1 line unrecoverable)
[… I] received the form […] received […] […] existing upon my […] receive a holy spirit [I] came into being [really] existing. Then, she brought me into the great [aeon] where the perfect triple-male (is). I saw the invisible child within an invisible Light. Then [she] baptized me again in
62 (4 lines unrecoverable)
[…] her […]
(1 line unrecoverable)
[and] I […] I was able to […] […] the great one […] and perfect […]

Yoel who belongs to all [the glories] said to me, “You have [received] all the [baptisms] in which it is fitting to [be] baptized, and you have become [perfect] […] the hearing of […] all. Now [call] again upon Salamex and […] and the all-perfect Ar[…] the Lights of the [aeon] Barbelo and the immeasurable knowledge. They will reveal 63 […] […] invisible
(3 lines unrecoverable)
[…] which […] [… virgin] Barbelo [and] the Invisible [triple] powerful Spirit.”

[When] Youel who belongs to all the glories [had said this] to me, she [put me down] and went and stood before the Protophanes. Then, I was […] over my spirit, [while] praying fervently to the great Lights in thought. I began calling upon Salamex and Se- […]en and the all-perfect […]e. I saw glories which are greater than powers, [and] they annointed me. I was able 64 […] in my […] and[…]
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she covered […] all […] Salamex [and] those [who] have revealed everything [to me] saying, “Zostrianos, [learn] of those things about which you asked.
(1 line unrecoverable)
and [he is] a single one [who] exists before [all] these who really exist [in the] immeasurable and undivided Spirit […] […] the All which [exists] in him and the […] […] and that one which […] after him. It is he alone who crosses it […]

65 (4 lines unrecoverable)
[…] all these […] he is […] […] first […] [… of] thought […] of every power [… downward] […] he is established […] stand, he [passes] into the pathway to a place […] and infinite. He is far higher than every unattainable one, yet he gives […] greater than any body (and) is purer than every unembodied one, entering every thought and every body [because he] is more powerful than everything, every race and species, as their All. 66 […] exist
(4 lines unrecoverable)
to a partial (…] […] part […] [exist] in a […] know her […] […he is] from him […] which really exists, who (is) from the Spirit who [really] exists, the one alone […] for they are powers of […] Existence […] and Life and Blessedness.

In Existence he exists [as] a simple head, his [word] and species. Let the one who will find him come into existence. Existing in Life, he is alive […]
67 (2 lines unrecoverable)
[he having] knowledge […] know all these […] him alone […] for god […] unless […] […] alone, and he […] […] in him […] […] the single […] […] for he exists as […] [in] that which is his, which [exists] as a form of a form, […] unity of the […]. He exists as [the] […] since he is in [the] mind. He is within it, not coming forth to any place because he is a single perfect, simple spirit. [Because] it is his place and […], it is within him and the All that he comes into being. It is he who exists, he who 68 […] […] and a […] and a [protector] in him.

Life […] and activity of the insubstantial […] the […] which exists in him [exists] in him […] exists because of [him …] blessed and a […] perfect, and […] which exist in […] which really exists. The form of the activity which exists is blessed. By receiving Existence, he receives power, the […] a perfection […] separate forever. Then he exists as a perfect one. Therefore, he exists as a perfect one because he is undivided with his own region, for nothing exists before him except the [perfect] unity.

(Pages 69-72 are blank; they may have been numbered.)

73 existence […] […] she is salvation […] [all …] and he […] […] be able, nor does he […] […] him, if he […] him to him, all these […] […] for he [who] […] in existence […] this one, he totally [exists] as Life, and in Blessedness he has knowledge. If he apprehends the [glories], he is perfect; but if he apprehends [two] or one, he is drunk, as he has received [from] him. It is because of [him] that there exist those with souls and those without souls; because of him (exist) those who will be saved; because of him (exist) those who will [perish] since they have not [received] from him; because of [him] (exists) matter and bodies; because of him (exist) non- 74 […] [because of] him […] every […] because of […] […] this one […] who [pre-] exists and he […] […] a [simple] head, [a] single spirit […] he is […], and […] existence, form, […] […] of him.

It is [in accordance with] Activity, that is […] Life, and in accordance with perfection, that is intellectual power, that she is a […] Light. It is at one time that the three stand, at one time they move. It is in every place yet not in any place that the ineffable unnameable one […] and produces them all. […] exist from him[…] resting in him […] in her perfection he has not received from [every] form 75 because of him
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[…] anything […]
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[…] in existence […] dwell in the […] of life. But in perfection and [knowledge] (is) Blessedness.

All [these] dwell [in the] indivisibility of [the] Spirit. Because of knowledge […] is [divinity] and […] and blessedness and life and knowledge and goodness and unity and singleness. In short, all these (are) the purity of barrenness […] pre-exists him […] all these and the 76 […] his […] […] in […]
(4 lines unrecoverable)
aeon, a […] in a […] barrenness, he […] he always […] him when he saw him […] It is because he [is] one that he is simple. Because he is Blessedness in perfection […] one, perfect and [blessed]. It is because she was in need of his […] that she was in need of this from him, because he followed [her] with knowledge. It is outside of him that his knowledge dwells; it dwells with the one who examines himself, a reflection and a […] 77 […] be in need of […]
(1 line unrecoverable)
[…] simple
(1 line unrecoverable)
[…] and […] he […] […] this, she […] […] the pleroma […] which she did not desire for herself.

She has […] him outside of the [perfection], she has divided, for she is [the] all-perfection [of] perfection, existing as thought. With respect to him [she] is a begetting which follows him, and as one from his ineffable power she has a first power and the first bar-reness after him, because with respect to all the rest a first aeon
78 (3 lines unrecoverable)
[all …]
(1 line unrecoverable)
[…] of the […] […] and him […] know him, he really exists as an aeon […] and in Activity […] power and a […] she did not begin […] time, but she [appeared] from eternity, having stood before him in eternity. She was darkened by the majesty of his […] She stood looking at him and rejoicing because she was filled with his kindness, […] but when she had […]
79 (5 lines unrecoverable)
[…] she […] […] first existence […] insubstantial and that [….] It is [from] the undivided one that [it] moves toward Existence in activity and [intellectual] perfection and intellectual life, which was Blessedness and Divinity.

The [whole] Spirit, perfect, simple and invisible, has become singleness in Existence and activity and a simple triple-[power], an invisible spirit, an image of that which really exists, the one
80 (5 lines unrecoverable)
of the really [existing] one […] [he] exists in a […] she being an image […] in a turning […] power to join with his […] she having seen the […] which existed […] all-perfection […] that one, because he […] pre-exist and […] rest upon all these, he […] pre-exist being known as triple-powerful.

The Invisible Spirit has not ever [been) ignorant. He always knew, but he was always perfection [and] blessedness [….] 81 She became ignorant […] and she […] body and […] promise […] light […] […] she exists […] […] in order that she might not come forth anymore nor come into existence apart from perfection. She knew herself and him. Having made herself stand, she was at rest because of him, since she was [from] him who really exists, {she was from him who really exists) and all those. (Thus), she knows herself and him who pre-exists.

By following him they came into being existing { they came into being existing) and appearing through those 82 [who pre-]exist. And […] through the […] they having appeared […] two […] they appeared [… the one] who knows him beforehand, as an eternal space, since he had become his second knowledge, once again the knowledge of his knowledge, the unborn Kalyptos. [They] stood upon him who really exists, for she knew about him, in order that those who follow her might come into being having a place and that those who come forth (from her) might not be before her but might become holy (and) simple. She is the comprehension of god 83 who pre- [exists. She] rested […] to the simple […] salvation salvation […] […] he […] […] light which was fore- [known]. She was called Barbelo because (of her being) thought; the triple [race] (which is) male, virginal (and) perfect and her knowledge through which she came into being in order that they might not […] her down and that she might not come forth anymore through those in her and those who follow her. Rather, she is simple in order that she might be able to know the god who pre-exists because she came into being as a good (product) of him since she
(1 line unrecoverable)
84 […] barrenness […] third […] two […] of this way […] […] and male […]
(1 line unrecoverable)
[…] and the […] barrenness […] […] she is a second […] she stood […] first of the reality [which] really exists […] […] the blessedness […] of the Invisible [Spirit], the knowledge […] the first existence in the simplicity of the Invisible Spirit in the unity. It is in that pure singleness that he is similar and […] species. And he who […] exist […]
85 (6 lines unrecoverable)
[…] and knows […] and the […] and the [perfection] and […] produces and […] the first Kalyptos […] them all, existence and activity, divinity, race and species.

But are powers one? In what way (is it) that he is one, that is, not a partial one, but (one of) those of the All? What is the unity which is unity? Is he from […] activity […] life and […] of […]. And […] 86 (7 lines unrecoverable)
power […] as […]

[…] perceptible […] […] all-perfect […] […] she having spoken, […] “You are great, Aphr[edon]. You are perfect, Neph[redon].” To his existence she says, “You are great, Deipha[…]. She [is] his activity and life and divinity. You are great, Harmedon […], who belongs to all the glories, Epiph[a- and his blessedness and the perfection [of] the singleness […] all […]” 87 (6 lines unrecoverable)
[…] forever […] intellectual [… perfect] [the virgin Barb]elo through the simplicity of the blessedness of the triple powerful Invisible Spirit. She who has known him has known herself. And he, being one everywhere, being undivided, having […] has […] and she has known [herself as] his activity […] and he has known […] knowledge […] within 88 […]
(7 lines unrecoverable)
bless […] […] Be[ritheus, Erignaor], Or[imeni]os, Ar[amen], Alphl[ege]s, Elilio[upheus], Lalamenu[s], Noetheus […] great is your name […] it is strong. He who knows (it) knows everything. You are one, you are one, Siou, E[…], Aphredon, you are the [aeon] of the aeons of the perfect great one, the first Kalyptos of the […] activity, and […] he is […] his image […] of his, he […]

89 […]
(7 lines unrecoverable)
[…existence] […] and he
(2 lines unrecoverable)
[…] in […the glory] […] glories […] a […] in
(3 lines unrecoverable)
[…] aeon
(3 lines unrecoverable)
90 (8 lines unrecoverable)
exist […]
(2 lines unrecoverable)
(3 lines unrecoverable)
[blessed …]
(1 line unrecoverable)
(7 lines unrecoverable)
91 (8 lines unrecoverable)
[…] god
(3 lines unrecoverable)
[…] first […] and powers [… all-perfect] they are […] of all these and a cause of [them] all, a […] Barbelo
(1 line unrecoverable)
[…] him and […] all these […] he not having […] and his […] become […] but 92 […]
(8 lines unrecoverable)
of […]
(1 line unrecoverable)
[and …]
(2 lines unrecoverable)
and a […] in a […] according to the [thought] which really [exists …] which exists as […] name […]
(1 line unrecoverable)
Kalyptos […] the […] triple […]
(1 line unrecoverable)
but […] 93 name him.

All these come, as it were, from him who is pure. If you give glory because of him, and if you […] existence […] his […]a […] simple
(2 lines unrecoverable)
[…] he will
(1 line unrecoverable)
[…] that one [… know] him
(1 line unrecoverable)
[…] perfect he being [… perfect] and […] […] perfect
(1 line unrecoverable)
[…] his
(1 line unrecoverable)
[…] him […] to the
(1 line unrecoverable)
94 he was not able to see her. Therefore, it is impossible to receive him in this way in majestic purity as a perfect head of [him who] is in […] […] which [… know] him concerning […] say it […]
(2 lines unrecoverable)
which […]
(2 lines unrecoverable)
which […] for
(1 line unrecoverable)
[… exist] together […] and […]
(5 lines unrecoverable)
nor […] 95 differences between these and angels, and differences between these and men, and differences between these and existence. And […]
(1 line unrecoverable)
[…] and [perception ]
(2 lines unrecoverable)
[…] really
(1 line unrecoverable)
for […] the [perceptible] world […] like
(1 line unrecoverable)
existence […] for […] and […]
(1 line unrecoverable)
(lines 20ff do not survive) 96 will approach him in knowledge. He receives power, but he who is far from him is humbled.”

And I said, “Why then have the judges come into being? What […] is the [suffering] of the […] for
(1 line unrecoverable)
and […]
(2 lines unrecoverable)
but […]
(1 line unrecoverable)
through […] who […] suffering […] through […] the […] […] exists […] she dwells […]
(2 lines unrecoverable)
(lines 22ff, ca. 4 lines, do not survive) 97 male, since she is knowledge [of] the triple powerful invisible great Spirit, the image of [the first] Kalyptos, the [blessedness] in the [invisible] Spirit, […] the
(1 line unrecoverable)
[…] for […] he knows
(3 lines unrecoverable)
[…] fill […] she appears […] knowledge […] she stands […]
(3 lines unrecoverable)
(lines 21ff, ca. 6 lines, do not survive) 98 […] a perfect unity of a complete unity, and when she divided the All […] from the All […] existence and […] […] the thoughts […]
(2 lines unrecoverable)
(l2 lines unrecoverable)
(lines 22ff, ca. 5 lines, do not survive) 99 […] [existence …] […] in […] which
(1 line unrecoverable)
(3 lines unrecoverable)
[…] she blesses
(4 lines unrecoverable)
[…] which
(1 line unrecoverable)
[…] and
(4 lines unrecoverable)
(lines 21ff, ca. 6 lines, do not survive)

100 (5 lines unrecoverable)
(2 lines unrecoverable)
is the […] [through …] power […]
(3 lines unrecoverable)
which […]
(6 lines unrecoverable)
(lines 22ff, ca. 4 lines, do not survive) 101 […] invisible […] […] that one […] [… this] is the […]
(1 line unrecoverable)
[…] form
(2 lines unrecoverable)
[…] of a
(3 lines unrecoverable)
[…] Kalyptos […] undivided
(6 lines unrecoverable)
(lines 20ff, ca. 4 lines, do not survive) 102 […] which exist […] […] the […]
(1 line unrecoverable)
and […]
(4 lines unrecoverable)
he […]
(3 lines unrecoverable)
and […] those […] a […]
(3 lines unrecoverable)
some […]
(2 lines unrecoverable)
(lines 22ff, ca. 4 lines, do not survive) 103 […] origin […] [which] really exists […] […] exist [… essence] […] in [… this] is […] the
(5 lines unrecoverable)
[…] they […]not
(1 line unrecoverable)
[…] this
(4 lines unrecoverable)
(lines 20ff, ca. 6 lines, do not survive)

104 […] she appears […] of those who […] […] of the […] and […] this […] the […]
(1 line unrecoverable)
see […]
(5 lines unrecoverable)
he[…] really […]
(1 line unrecoverable)
that[…] and[…]
(5 lines unrecoverable)
(lines 24ff, ca. 4 lines, do not survive) 105 are those who [stand …] the aeon of […] come up to […] […] which exist in […] he on the one hand […] […] he […] one […] an origin
(1 line unrecoverable)
[…] and […] he […] matter […] single
(1 line unrecoverable)
[… exist]
(2 lines unrecoverable)
[…] which […] and
(1 line unrecoverable)
(lines 22ff, ca. 4 lines, do not survive) 106 […] and he exists […] he is […] and […] mark of a […] […] an […] nor of […] […] he […] which […]
(2 lines unrecoverable)
and […]
(1 line unrecoverable)
number […] live […] according to […] which […]
(4 lines unrecoverable)
which […]
(2 lines unrecoverable)
(lines 23ff, ca. 4 lines, do not survive) 107 them […] […] and […] existence […] […] and the […] exist as […] reflection […] first
(1 line unrecoverable)
[…] first […] of the
(2 lines unrecoverable)
[…] he
(9 lines unrecoverable)
(lines 22ff, ca. 6 lines, do not survive) 108 […] not, they giving […] […] he who exists […] […] all and he […] a multitude […] creation
(1 line unrecoverable)
and […]
(2 lines unrecoverable)
the […]
(1 line unrecoverable)
in the […] these […] the[…] of […] alive […]
(4 lines unrecoverable)
in […]
(1 line unrecoverable)

(Pages 109-112 do not survive)

113 and angels and daimons and minds and souls and living beings and trees and bodies and those which are before them: those of the simple elements of simple origins, and those which arein […] and unmixed confusion, air [and] water and earth and number and yoking and movement and […] and order and breath and all the rest. They are fourth powers which are [in] the fourth aeon, those which] are in the […] and […] perfect of […] powers […] powers […] of […] of […] angels [of the] angels, souls [of the] souls, living beings [of the] living beings, trees [of] [the trees …] […] and […]
(2 lines unrecoverable)
114 his own.

There are those who are as begotten, and those who are in an unborn begetting, and there are those who are holy and eternal, and the immutable ones in death and destruction in indestructibility; and there are those who are as All; there are those [who are] races and those who are [in] a world and order; there are those in [indestructibility], and there are the first [who stand] and the second [in] all of them. [All] those [who] are from them and [those who] are [in] them, and [from] these who [follow] them […]
(1 line unrecoverable)
these […] and [the] fourth aeons stood […] […] they existing […]
(2 lines unrecoverable)
115 in them, he being scattered abroad. They are not crowded against one another, but to the contrary they are alive, existing in themselves and agreeing with one another, as they are from a single origin. They are reconciled because they are all in a single aeon of Kalyptos, […] being divided in power, for they exist in accord with each of the aeons, standing in relationship to the one which has reached them.

But Kalyptos is [a] single aeon; [he] has four different aeons. In accord with each of the aeons they have powers, not like first and second (powers), for all these [are] eternities, [but] they are different […] and order and glory […] which exists [in …] four aeons and […] who pre-exists […] god […] […] they are […]
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116 All of them exist in one, dwelling together and perfected individually in fellowship and filled with the aeon which really exists. There are those among them (who stand) as dwelling in essence and those (who stand) as essence in conduct or [suffering] because they are in a second, for the unengenderedness of the ungenerated one who really exists is among them. When the ungenerated have come into being, their power stands; there is an incorporeal essence with [an] imperishable [body]. The [immutable one] is [there] who [really ] exists. Because it transforms [through] change, the […] in destructible fire stands with [all] [these …] […] one […] 117 he stands. It is there that all living beings dwell, existing individually (yet) all joined together. The knowledge of the knowledge is there together with a setting up of ignorance. Chaos is there and a perfect place for all of them, and they are strange. True Light (is there), also enlightened darkness together with the one who does not really exist – [he] does not really exist. […] the non-being who does not exist at all. But it is he, the Good, from whom derives the good and what is pleasant and the divine; (it is he) from [whom] comes God and he who […], he who is great. For […] in part […] form and God that […]and the one […] […] a god […] […] all these […] […] darkness […]
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118 and a race. He has not mixed with anything, but he remains alone in himself and rests himself on his limitless limit. He is [the] God of those who really exist, a seer and a revealer of God.

When she had strengthened him who [knew her], the aeon Barbelo, the knowledge of the Invisible Triple Powerful Perfect Spirit, in order to […] her, said, “He […] a life. I am alive in […] You, the One, are alive. He is alive, [he] who is three. It is you who are [the] three who are three [doubled …] e e e. The first of seven […] the third […] the second […] e e e e a a a a a a a […] […] two, but he [four …] […] knowledge […]
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119 a part? What kind of mind, and what kind of wisdom? What kind of understanding, what kind of teaching? His Lights are named (as follows): the first [is Arme]don and she who is with him, […]; the second is Diphane [… and] she who is with him, Dei- ph[a …]; the third is [Malsed]on and she who is with him […]; the fourth is […]s and she who is with him, Olmis.

Kalyptos exists having […] with his Form. He is invisible to all these so that they all might be strengthened by him […] […] he exists in […] all-perfect because [he has] four existing
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[…] nor according to a […] alone [… B]arbelo […]
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120 know him and the one who is set over a second. The first of the aeons is Harmedon, the father-glory. The second Light (is) one whom [he does] not [know], but all the [individuals], wisdom […] exist in the fourth aeon who has revealed [himself] and all the glories. [The third] Light (is) he […] not him, as the word of all [the forms] and that other [glory], understanding, [who is] in the third [aeon]. There are four in Malsedon and […] nios. The fourth Light is the one who […] of all the forms existing […] a teaching and glory […] and the truth of the [four aeons], Olmis, […] and the […]
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121 fifth.

The first (is the one) who is the second, that is, it is the all-perfect Kalyptos, for the four Lights exist. It is Kalyptos who has divided again, and they exist together. All who know those who exist as glories are perfect. This one […] knows everything about them all is all-perfect. From him is every power, every one and their entire aeon, because they all come to him and they all come from him, the power of them all (and) the origin of them all. When he learned [of them], he became a […] aeon and a ingenerateness. […] other aeons [in …]a[…]
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122 become a Barbelo, he becomes a first aeon because of the eternity of the Invisible Spirit, the second ingenerateness.

These are all the glories: the limitless Aphredons, […] the ineffables, the revealers, all the […] immutables, the glory-revealers, the twice-revealed Marsedons, the limitless Solmises, the self-revealers who are [full] of glory, those who [wait for] glory, the blessers, the M[arse-] dons, the Kalyptoi who […] the limits […] upon the limits […] those who exist […]
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(Lines 24ff, I or 2, do not survive) 123 ten thousand glories in them.

Therefore, he is a perfect glory so that whenever he can join (another) and prevail, he exists as perfect. Thus, even if he enters into a body and a death (coming) from matter, they do not receive greater honor because of their all-perfectness from whom came all these, being perfect, together with those who are with him. Indeed, each of the aeons has ten thousand aeons in himself, so that by existing together he may become a perfect aeon.

He exists in the [Blessedness] of the Triple [Powerful] Perfect Invisible [Spirit …] silence […] who became first […] and the knowledge
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124 whole, a silence of the second knowledge, the first thought in the will of the Triple Powerful, because he commanded it to know him, so that he might become all-perfect and perfect in himself. By simplicity and blessedness he is known. [I received] goodness through that follower of the Barbelo aeon who gives being to himself. […] is not the power, but she is the one who belongs to him.

The aeons which really exist do so in silence. Existence was inactivity, and knowledge of the self-established Kalyptos was ineffable. Having come [from the] fourth, the […] thought, the Proto[phanes], as (the) Perfect Male [Mind]
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125 he is his image, equal to him in power and glory but with respect to order higher than him, (yet not higher) in aeon. Like him he has all these (parts) living (and) dwelling together in one. Together with the aeon in the aeons he has a fourfold difference with all the rest who are there.

But Kalyptos really exists, and with him is located she who belongs to all the glories, Youel, the male virgin glory, through whom are seen the all-perfect ones. Those who stand before him are the triple […] child, the triple […], the Autogenes […] He has […] in one [… the one] again who prevails over the […] existing in […] 126 of ten thousand- fold.

The first aeon in him, from whom is the first Light, (is) Solmis and the god revealer, since he is infinite according to the type in the Kalyptos aeon and Doxomedon. The second aeon (is) Akremon the ineffable together with the second Light Zachthos and Yachtos. The third aeon is Ambrosios the virgin together with the third Light Setheus and Antiphantes. The fourth aeon is the blesser […] race with [the] fourth Light [Seldao] and Elenos.

The […] him […] […] Arm[edon
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127 phoe zoe zeoe ze[…] zosi zosi zao zeooo zesen zes- en – the individuals and the four who are eight-fold are alive. eoooo eaeo – you who are before them, and you who are in them all. They are within the perfect male Armedon Protophanes of all those who dwell together. Since all the individuals were existing as perfect ones, the Activity of all the individuals appeared again as the divine Autogenes.

He stands within an aeon because there are within him four different self-begotten aeons. The first aeon in him as the first Light (is) [Harmoze]l-Orneos-Euthrou- nios. [He] was called
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[… The] second [aeon as] [the second Light is] [Oraiael …]-udas[…]os, Ap[…] 128 Arros[…]. The third (aeon) of the third Light (is) Daveithe-Laraneus- Epiphanios-Eideos. The fourth (aeon) as the fourth Light (is) Eleleth-Kodere- Epiphanios-Allogenios. But as for all the rest who are in matter, they were all left (there). It was because of knowledge of greatness, audacity and power that they came into existence and comforted themselves. Because they did not know God, they shall pass away. Behold, Zostrianos, you have heard all these things of the gods are ignorant and (which) seem infinite to angels.”

I took courage and said, “I am [still ] wondering about the Triple Powerful Invisible Perfect Spirit: how he exists for himself, [how he causes] everything […] who really exist […] what is the […] […] and […] […] of […] 129 very […] they set [me] down (and) left.

Apophantes and Aphropais, the Virgin-light, came before me and brought me into Protophanes, (the) great male perfect Mind. I saw all of them as they exist in one. I joined with them all (and) blessed the Kalyptos aeon, the virgin Barbelo and the Invisible Spirit. I became all-perfect and received power. I was written in glory and sealed. I received there a perfect crown. I came forth to the perfect individuals, and all of them were questioning me. They were listening to the loftiness of my knowledge. They were rejoicing and receiving power. When I again came down to the aeons of Autogenes, I received a true image, pure (yet) suitable for the perceptible (world).

I came down to the aeon copies and came down here 130 to the airy-earth. I wrote three tablets (and) left them as knowledge for those who would come after me, the living elect. Then I came down to the perceptible world and put on my image. Because it was ignorant, I strengthened it (and) went about preaching the truth to everyone. Neither the angelic beings of the world nor the archons saw me, for I negated a multitude of [judgments] which brought me near death.

But an erring multitude I awakened saying, “Know those who are alive and the holy seed of Seth. Do not [show] disobedience to me. [Awaken] your divine part to God, and as for your sinless elect soul, strengthen it. Behold death here and seek the immutable ingenerateness, the [Father] of everything. He invites you, while they reprove you. Although they ill-treat 131 you, he will not abandon you.

Do not baptize yourselves with death nor entrust yourselves to those who are inferior to you instead of to those who are better. Flee from the madness and the bondage of femaleness and choose for yourselves the salvation of maleness. You have not come to suffer; rather, you have come to escape your bondage.

Release yourselves, and that which has bound you will be dissolved. Save yourselves so that your soul may be saved. The kind Father has sent you the Savior and given you strength. Why are you hesitating? Seek when you are sought; when you are invited, listen, for time is short.

Do not be led astray. The aeon of the aeons of the living ones is great, yet (so also is) the [punishment] of those who are unconvinced. Many bonds and chastisers surround you. 132 Flee quickly before death reaches you. Look at the Light. Flee the Darkness. Do not be led astray to your destruction.

Oracles of Truth of Zostrianos
God of Truth
Teachings of Zoroaster

The Paraphrase of Shem

Translated by Frederik Wisse

[The] paraphrase which was about the unbegotten Spirit.

What Derdekea< s> revealed to me, Shem, 5 according to the will of the Majesty. My thought which was in my body snatched me away from my race. It took me up to the top of the world, 10 which is close to the light that shone upon the whole area there. I saw no earthly likeness, but there was light. And my thought separated 15 from the body of darkness as though in sleep.

I heard a voice saying to me, Shem, since you are from an unmixed power 20 and you are the first being upon the earth, hear and understand what I shall say to you first concerning the great powers who were in existence in the beginning, before 25 I appeared. There was Light and Darkness and there was Spirit between  them. Since your root fell into forgetfulness – he who was 30 the unbegotten Spirit – I reveal to you the truth about the powers. The Light was thought full of hearing and word. They were 35 united into one form. And the Darkness was 2 wind in waters. He possessed the mind  wrapped in a chaotic fire. And the Spirit between them 5 was a gentle, humble light. These are the three roots. They reigned each in them­selves, alone. And they covered each other, each one with 10 its power.

But the Light, since he possessed a great power, knew the abase­ment of the Darkness and his disorder, namely that the root was not straight. 15 But the crookedness of the Darkness was lack of per­ception, namely (the illusion that) there is no one above him. And as long as he was able to bear up under his evil, he was covered with the water. And he 20 stirred. And the Spirit was frightened by the sound. He lifted himself up to his station. And he saw a great, dark water. And he was nauseated. And 25 the thought of the Spirit stared down; he saw the infinite Light. But he was overlooked by the putrid root. And by the will of the great Light 30 the dark water separated. And the Darkness came up wrapped in vile ignorance, and (this was) in order that the mind might separate from him because he prided 35 himself in it.

And when he stirred, 3 the light of the Spirit appeared to him. When he saw it he was astonished. He did not know that another Power was above him. And when he 5 saw that his likeness was dark compared with the Spirit, he felt hurt. And in his pain he lifted up to the height of the members of Darkness his mind which 10 was the eye of the bitterness of evil. He caused his mind to take shape in a member of the regions of the Spirit, thinking that, by staring (down) at his evil, he would be able 15 to equal the Spirit. But he was not able. For he wanted to do an impossible thing, and it did not take place. But in order that the mind of Darkness, which 20 is the eye of the bitterness of evil, might not be destroyed, since he was made par­tially similar, he arose and shone with a fiery light upon all of Ha­des, so that 25 the equality to the faultless Light might become ap­parent. For the Spirit made use of every form of Darkness because he appeared in his majesty. 30

And the exalted, infinite Light appeared, for he was very joyful.

He wished to reveal himself to the Spirit. And the likeness 35 of the exalted Light appeared to the unbegotten Spirit. 4  appeared. [I] am the son of the incorruptible, infinite Light.  appeared in the likeness 5 of the Spirit, for  am the ray of the universal Light. And his ap­pearance to me (was) in order that the mind of Darkness might not remain in Hades. 10 For the Darkness made himself like his mind in a part of the members. When , (O) Shem, appeared   in it (i.e. the like­ness), in order that the Darkness might become dark to himself, 15 ac­cording to the will of the Majesty – in order that the Darkness might become free from every aspect of the power which he possessed – the mind drew the chaotic fire, with which 20 it was covered, from the midst of the Darkness and the water. And from the Darkness the water became a cloud. and from  the cloud the womb took shape. 25 The chaotic fire which was a deviation  went there.

And when the Darkness saw it (i.e. the womb) he became unchaste and when he had aroused 30 the water, he rubbed the womb. His mind dissolved down to the depths of Nature. It mingled with the power of the bitterness of Darkness. And 35 her (i.e. the womb’s) eye ruptured at the wickedness in order that she might not again bring forth the mind. For it was 5 a seed of Nature from the dark root.

And when Nature had taken to herself the mind by means of the dark power, 5 every likeness took shape in her. And when the Darkness  had acquired the likeness of the mind, it resembled the Spirit. For Nature rose up to expel it; 10 she was powerless against it, since she did not have a form from the Darkness. For she brought it forth in the cloud. And the cloud shone. A mind appeared in 15 it like a frightful, harmful fire. It (i.e. the mind) collided against the unbegotten Spirit

since it possessed a likeness from him. In order that 20 Nature might become empty of the chaotic fire, then immediately Nature  was divided into four parts. They became clouds which varied 25 in their appearance. They were called Hymen, Afterbirth, Power, (and) Water. And the Hymen and the Afterbirth and the Power were 30 chaotic fires. And it (i.e. the mind) was drawn from the midst of the Darkness and the water – since the mind was in the midst of Nature

and the dark power – 35 in order that the harmful waters might not cling to it. 6 Because of this Nature was divided, according to my will, in order that the mind may return to its power which the 5 dark root, which was mixed with it (i.e. the mind), had taken from it. And he (i.e. the dark root) appeared in the womb. And at the division of Nature he separated from the dark power 10 which he possessed from the mind. It (i.e. the mind) went into the midst of the power – this was the middle region of Nature.

And the Spirit of light, when the mind 15 burdened him, was aston­ished. And the force of his Astonishment cast off the burden. And it (i.e. the burden)  returned to its heat. It put on the light of the Spirit. 20 And when Nature moved away from the power of the light of the Spirit, the burden returned. And the Astonishment (of the) light cast off the burden. It stuck 25 to the cloud of the Hymen. And all the clouds of Darkness cried out, they who had separated from Hades, because of the alien Power. He is the Spirit of light who has come 30 in them. And by the will of the Majesty the Spirit gazed up at the in­finite Light, in order that his light may be pitied and 35 the likeness brought up from Hades.

And when the Spirit had looked,  flowed 7 out – , the son of the Majesty – like a wave of bright light and like a whirlwind of the immortal Spirit. And  blew from 5 the cloud of the Hymen upon the As­tonishment of the unbegotten Spirit. It (i.e. the cloud) separated and cast light upon the clouds. These separated in order that the Spirit might return. Because of this the mind 10 took shape. Its repose was shat­tered. For the Hymen of Nature was a cloud which cannot be grasped; it is a great fire. Similarly, the Afterbirth 15 of Nature is the cloud of silence; it is an august fire. And the Power which was mixed with the mind, it, too, was a cloud of Nature which 20 was joined with the Darkness that had aroused Nature to unchastity. And the dark water was a frightful cloud. And the root 25 of Nature, which was below, was crooked, since it is burdensome and harmful. The root was blind with respect to the light-bondage which was un­fathomable since 30 it had many appearances.

And  had pity on the light (of) the Spirit which the mind had re­ceived.  returned to my position in order to pray 35 to the exalted, in­finite Light 8 that the power of the Spirit might increase on the place and might be filled without dark defilement. And 5 reverently  said, “Thou art the root of the Light. Thy hidden form has appeared, O exalted, infinite one. May the whole power of 10 the Spirit spread and may it be filled with its light, O infinite Light. (Then) he will not be able to join with the unbegotten Spirit, and the power of the Aston­ishment will not be able to 15 mix with Nature. According to the will of the Majesty,” my prayer was accepted.

And the voice of the Word was heard saying through the Majesty to the 20 unbegotten Spirit, “Behold, the power has been completed. He who was revealed by me appeared in the Spirit. Again I shall appear. I am Derdekeas, the son 25 of the incorruptible, infinite Light.”

The light of the infinite Spirit came down to a feeble nature for a short time until 30 all the impurity of nature became void, and in or­der that the darkness of Nature might be blamed. I put on my gar­ment which is the garment of the light 35 of the Majesty – which I am.

I came in the appearance of the 9 Spirit to consider the whole light which was in the depths of the Darkness. According to the will  of the Majesty, in order that the Spirit 5 by means of the Word might be filled with his light independently of the power of the infinite Light, and at my wish, the Spirit  arose by his (own) power. 10 His greatness was granted to him that he might be filled with his whole light and depart from the whole burden of the Darkness. For what was behind was a dark fire which blew 15 (and) pressed on the Spirit. And the Spirit re­joiced because he was protected from the frightful water. But his light was not equal to the Majesty. But <what> he was granted 20 by the infinite Light, (he was granted it) in order that in all his members he might appear as a single image of light. And when the Spirit arose above the water, 25 his black likeness became apparent. And the Spirit honored the exalted Light: “Surely thou alone art the infinite one, because thou art above 30 every unbegotten thing, for thou hast protected me from the Darkness. And at thy wish I arose above the power of darkness.

And that nothing might be hidden from you, Shem, the thought, 35 which the Spirit from the greatness had contemplated, came into be­ing, 10 since the Darkness was not able [to] restrain his evil. But when it appeared, the three roots became known as they 5 were from the beginning. If the Darkness had been able to bear up under his evil, the mind would not have separated from him, and another power would not have appeared. 10

But from the time it appeared I was seen, the son of the Majesty, in order that the light of the Spirit might not become faint, and that Nature might not reign 15 over it, because it gazed at me. And by the will of the greatness  my equality was revealed, that what is of the Power might become apparent. You 20 are the great Power which came into being, and I am the perfect Light which is above the Spirit and the Darkness, the one who puts to shame the Darkness for the intercourse of the impure 25 practice. For through the division of Na­ture the Majesty wished to be covered with honor up to the height of the Thought of the Spirit. And the Spirit received 30 rest in his power.

For the image of the Light is inseparable from the unbegotten Spirit. And the lawgivers did not name him after all the clouds 35 of Nature, nor is it possible to name them. For every likeness 11 into which Nature had divided is a power of the chaotic fire which is the hylic seed. The one who took to himself 5 the power of the Darkness impris­oned it in the midst of its members.

And by the will of the Majesty, in order that the mind and the whole light of the Spirit might be protected 10 from every burden and (from) the toil of Nature, a voice came forth from the Spirit to the cloud of the Hymen. And the light of the astonishment began to re­joice with the voice 15 which was granted to him. And the great Spirit of light was in the cloud of the Hymen. He honored the infinite Light and the universal likeness 20 who I am, the son of the Majesty. It is said: “Anasses Duses, thou art the infinite Light who was given by the will 25 of the Majesty to establish every light of the Spirit upon the place, and to separate the mind from the Darkness. For it was not right 30 for the light of the Spirit to remain in Hades. For at thy wish the Spirit arose to behold thy greatness.”

For I said these things to you, 35 Shem, that you might know 12 that my likeness, the son of the Majesty, is from my infinite Thought, since I am for him a universal likeness 5 which does not lie, (and) I am above every truth and origin of the word. His appearance is in my beautiful garment of light which is the voice of the immeasurable Thought. 10 We are that single, sole light which came into being. He appeared in another root in order that the power of the Spirit might be raised from the 15 feeble Nature. For by the will of the great Light I came forth from the exalted Spirit down to the cloud of the Hymen without my universal garment.

And the Word took 20 me to himself, from the Spirit, in the first cloud of the Hymen of Nature. And I put on this of which the Majes­ty and the unbegotten Spirit made me worthy. 25 And the threefold unity of my garment appeared in the cloud, by the will of the Majesty, in a single form. And my likeness was covered 30 with the light of my garment. And the cloud was disturbed, and it was not able to bear my likeness. It shed the first power, the one (which) it had taken from 35 the Spirit, that one which shone on him from the beginning, before (I) appeared in the word to the Spirit. The cloud 13 would not have been able to bear both of them. And the light which came forth from the cloud passed through the silence, until it came into the middle region. And, 5 by the will of the Majesty, the light mixed with him I (i.e.) the Spirit which exists in the silence, he who had been separated from the Spirit of light. It was separated from the light 10 by the cloud of the silence. The cloud was disturbed. It was he who gave rest to the flame of fire. He humbled the dark womb in order that she might not reveal 15 other seed from the darkness. He kept them back in the middle region of Nature in their position which was in the cloud. They were troubled since they did 20 not know where they were. For still they (did> not possess the universal understand­ing of the Spirit.

And when I prayed to the Majesty, toward the 25 infinite Light, that the chaotic power of the Spirit might go to and fro, and the dark womb might be idle, and that my likeness might appear 30 in the cloud of the Hymen, as if I were wrapped in the light of the Spirit which went before me, and by the will of the Majesty and through 35 the prayer I came in the cloud in order that through my garment –  which was from the power 14 of the Spirit – the pleroma of the word, might bring power to the members who possessed it in the Darkness. For because of them I appeared 5 in this insignificant place. For I am a helper of every one who has been given a name. For when I ap­peared in the cloud, the light 10 of the Spirit began to save itself from the frightful water, and (from) the clouds of fire which had been separated from dark Nature. And I gave them eternal honor 35 that they might not again engage in the impure practice.

And the light which was in the Hymen was disturbed by my power, and it passed through my middle region. It 20 was filled with the uni­versal Thought. And through the word of the light of the Spirit it re­turned to  its repose. It received form in its root and shone 25 without deficiency. And the light which had come forth with it from the silence went in the middle region  and returned to the place. And the cloud shone. 30 And from it came an unquenchable fire. And the part which separated from the astonishment put on forgetfulness. It was deceived by 35 the fire of darkness. And the shock of its astonishment cast off the burden of the 15 cloud. It was evil since it was unclean. And the fire mixed with the water in order that the waters might become harmful. 5

And Nature which had been disturbed immediately arose from the idle waters. For her ascent was shameful. And Nature took to herself the 10 power of fire. She became strong because of the light of the Spirit which was in Nature. Her likeness appeared in the water in the form of a frightful beast 35 with many faces, which is crooked below. A light went down to chaos filled with mist and dust, in order to harm Nature. 20 And the light of the Astonishment which is in the middle region came to it after he cast off the burden of the Darkness. He rejoiced when the Spirit arose. For he looked 25 from the clouds down at the dark waters upon the light which was in the depths of Nature.

Therefore I appeared that I might 30 get an opportunity to go down to the nether world, to the light of the Spirit which was burden­ed, that I might protect him from the evil of the burden. And through 35 his looking down at the dark region the light once more 16 came up in order that the womb might again come up from the water. She (i.e. the womb) came up by my will. Guilefully the eye opened. 5 And the light which had appeared in the middle region (and) which had separated from the Astonishment rested and shone upon her. And the womb saw 10 things she had not seen, and she rejoiced joyful­ly in the light, although this was not hers — the one which appeared in the middle region, in her wickedness, when he (i.e. the light) shone 15 upon her. And the womb saw things she had not seen, and she was brought down to the water, she was thinking that she had reached to the power of light. 20 And she did not know that her root was made idle by the likeness of the Light, and that it was to her (i.e. the root) that he had run.

The light was astonished, the one which was in 25 the middle region and which was beginning and end. Therefore his thought gazed di­rectly up at the exalted Light. And he called out and said, 20 “Lord, have mercy on me, for my light and my effort went astray. For if thy goodness does not establish me, I do not know where I am.” And when the Majesty 35 had heard him, he had mercy on him. ‘

And I appeared in the cloud of the Hymen, in the silence, 17 with­out my holy garment. With my will I honored my garment which has three forms in the cloud of the Hymen. 5 And the light which was in the silence, the one from the rejoicing Power, contained me. I wore it. And its two parts appeared 10 in a single form. Its other parts did not appear on account of the fire. I became unable to speak in the cloud of the Hymen, for its fire was frightful, 15 lifting itself up with­out humility. And in order that my greatness and the word might appear, I placed likewise my other garment in the cloud of the silence. 20 I went into the middle region and put on the light that was in it, that was sunk in forgetfulness and that was separated from the Spirit of astonishment, for he had cast off the burden. 25 At my wish nothing mortal appeared to him, but they were all immortal things which the Spirit granted to him. And he said in 30 the thought of the Light, ai eis ai ou phar dou is ei ou: I have come in a great rest  in order that he may give rest to my light in 35 his root, and may bring it out of 18 harmful Nature.

Then, by the will of the Majesty, I took off my garment of light. I put on another garment 5 of fire which has no form, which is from the mind of the power,  which was separated, and which was  prepared for me, according to my will, in the middle region. For the middle region 30 covered it with a dark power in order that I might come and put it on. I went down to chaos to save the whole light from it. For without 15 the power of darkness I could not oppose  Nature. But I rested myself upon her staring eye 20 which was a light from the Spirit. For it had been prepared for me as a garment and a rest by the Spirit. Through me he opened his eyes down to 25 Hades. He granted Nature his voice for a time. ‘

And my garment of fire, according to the will of the Majesty, went down to what is strong, and to the 30 unclean part of Nature which (the) power of darkness was covering. And my garment rubbed Na­ture in her covering. And her unclean 35 femininity was strong. And the wrathful womb came up 19 and made the mind dry, resembling a fish which has a drop of fire and a power of fire. And when Nature 5 had cast off the mind, she was troubled and she wept. When she was hurt, and in her tears, she cast off the power of the Spirit 30 (and) remained as I. I put on the light of the Spirit and I rested with my garment on account of  the sight of the fish.

And in order that  the deeds of Nature might be condemned, 15 since she is blind, manifold animals came out of her, in accordance with the number of the fleeting winds. All of them came into being in Hades searching for the light 20 of the mind which took shape. They were not able to stand up against it.  I rejoiced over their ignorance. I They found me, the son of the Majesty, in 25 front of the womb which has many forms. I put on the beast, and laid before her a great request

that heaven and earth 30 might come into being, in order that the whole light might rise up. For in no other way could the power of the Spirit be saved from bondage except that I appear 35 to her in animal form. Therefore she was gracious to me 20 as if I were her son.

And on account of my request, Nature arose since she possesses of the power of the Spirit and the Darkness 5 and the fire. For she had taken off her forms. When she had cast it off, she blew upon the water. The heaven was created. And from the foam of the heaven 10 the earth came into being. And at my wish it brought forth all kinds of food in accordance with the number of the beasts. And it brought forth dew from the winds on account of you (pl.) and those 15 who will be begotten the second time upon the earth. For the earth pos­sessed a power of chaotic fire. Therefore it brought forth 20 every seed.

And when the heaven and the earth were created, my garment of fire arose in the midst of the cloud of Nature (and) shone upon the whole world 25 until Nature became dry. The Darkness which was its (i.e. the earth’s) garment was cast into the  harmful waters. The mid­dle region was cleansed from the Darkness. 30 But the womb grieved be­cause of what had happened. She perceived in her parts what was  water like a mirror. When she perceived (it), she wondered 25 how it had come into being. Therefore she remained a widow. It also was 21 astonished (that) it was not in her. For still the forms possessed a power of fire and light. It (i.e. the power) remained 5 in order that it might be in Nature until all the powers are taken away from her. For just as the light of the Spirit was completed in three clouds, it is nec­essary 10 that also the power which is in Hades will be completed at the appointed time. For, because of the grace of the Majesty, I came forth to her from the water for the second time. 15 For my face pleased  her. Her face also was glad.

And I said to her, “May seed  and power come forth from you 20 upon the earth.” And she obeyed the will of the Spirit that she might be brought to naught. And when her forms returned, they rubbed  their tongue(s) with each other; they copulated; 25 they begot winds and demons and the power which is from the fire and the Darkness and the Spirit. But the form which remained alone cast the 30 beast from herself. She did not have intercourse, but she was the one who rubbed herself alone. And she brought forth a wind which  possessed a power 35 from the fire and the Darkness and the Spirit.

And in order that the 22 demons also might become free from the power which they possessed through the impure intercourse, a womb was with the winds 5 resembling water. And an unclean penis was with the demons in accordance with the example of the Darkness, and in the way he rubbed with the womb from the beginning. And after 10 the forms of Nature had been together, they separated from each other. They cast off the power, being astonished about the deceit which had happened to them. They grieved 15 with an eternal grief. They covered themselves with their power.

And when I had put them to shame, I arose with my garment in the power and — which is above the beast which is a light, 20 in order that I might make Nature desolate. The mind which had appeared in the Nature of Darkness, (and) which was the eye of the heart of Darkness, at my wish reigned over 25 the winds and the demons. And I gave him a likeness of fire, light, and attentiveness, and a share of guileless word. Therefore he was given of the greatness 30 in order to be strong in his power, independent of the power, independent of the light of the Spirit, and intercourse of Darkness, in order that, at the end of time, when 23 Nature will be destroyed, he may rest  in the honored place. For he will be found faithful, since he has loathed 5 the un­chastity of Nature with the Darkness. The strong power of the mind came into being from the mind and the unbegotten Spirit.

But the winds, which are demons 10 from water and fire and dark­ness and light, had intercourse unto perdition. And through this intercourse the winds received in their womb 15 foam from the penis of the demons. They conceived a power in their womb. From the breathing the wombs of the winds girded each other 20 until the times of the birth came. They went down to the water. And the power was delivered, through the breathing which moves the birth, in the midst of the practice. And 25 every form of the birth received shape in it. When the times of the birth were near, all the winds were gathered from the water which is near the 30 earth. They gave birth to all kinds of unchastity. And the place where the wind alone went was permeated with the unchastity. Barren wives came from it 35 and sterile hus­bands. 24 For just as they are born, so they bear.

Because of you (pl.), the image of the Spirit appeared in the earth and the water. 5 For you are like the Light. For you possess a share of the winds and the demons, and a thought from the Light of the power of the Astonishment. 10 For everything which he brought forth from the womb upon the earth  was not a good thing for her, but her groan and her pain, because of the image which appeared in 15 you from the Spirit. For you are exalted in your heart. And it is blessed­ness, Shem, if 20 a part is given to someone and if he departs from the soul to (go) to the thought of the Light. For the soul is a burden of the Darkness, and those who know where the root of the soul came from will be able to grope after Nature also. 25 For the soul is a work of unchastity and an (object of) scorn to the thought of Light. For I am the one who revealed concerning all that is unbegotten. 30

And in order that the sin of Nature might be filled, I made the womb, which was disturbed, pleasant – the blind wisdom – that I might be able to bring (it) to naught. And at my 25 wish, he plotted with the water of Darkness and also the Darkness, that they might wound every form of your (pl.) heart. For by 5 the will of the light of the Spirit they surrounded you; they bound you in Faith. And in or­der that his plan might become idle, he sent a demon 10 that the plan of her wickedness might be proclaimed. And he caused a flood, and he destroyed your (pl.) race, in order to take the light and to take from 15 Faith. But I proclaimed quickly by the mouth of the demon that a tower  come to be up to the particle of the light, which was left in the demons and 20 their race – which was water – that the demon might be protected from the turbulent chaos. And the womb planned these things according to my will in order that she might 25 pour forth completely. A tower came to be through the demons. The Darkness was disturbed by his loss. He loosened the muscles of the womb. And the demon 30 who was going to enter the tower was protected in order that the races might continue and might acquire coherence through him. For he possesses power from every form. 35

Return henceforth, 26 O Shem, and rejoice [greatly] over your race and Faith, for without body and necessity it is protected from 5 every body of Darkness, bearing witness to the holy things of the greatness which was revealed to them in their thought by my will. And they shall rest in the unbegotten Spirit 10 without grief. But you, Shem, be­cause of this, you remained in (the) body outside the cloud of light that you might remain with Faith. And Faith 15 will come to you. Her thought will be taken and given to you with a consciousness of light. And I  told you these things for the benefit of your race from the cloud of light. 20 And likewise what I shall say to you concerning everything, I shall reveal to you completely that you may reveal them to those who will be upon the earth the 25 second time.

O Shem, the disturbance which occurred at my wish happened in order that Nature might become empty. For the wrath of the Dark­ness subsided. 30 O Shem, the Darkness’ mouth was shut. No longer does the light which shone for the world appear in it, according to my will. And when Nature had said that 35 its wish was fulfilled, then every form was engulfed by the waters 27 in prideful ignorance. She (i.e. Nature) turned her dark vagina and cast from her the power of fire 5 which was in her from the beginning through the practice of the Darkness. It (masc.) lifted itself up and shone upon the whole world instead of the righteous one. And all her forms 10 sent forth a power  like a flame of fire up to heaven as a help to the corrupted light, which had lifted itself up. For they were members of the 15 chaotic fire. And she did not know that she had harmed herself. When she cast forth the power,  the power which she possessed, she cast it forth from the genitals. It was the demon, 20 a deceiver, who stirred up the womb in every form – .  And in her ignorance, as if she were doing a great thing, she grant­ed the demons 25 and the winds a star each. For without wind and star nothing happens upon the earth. For every power is filled by them after they were 30 released from the Darkness and the fire and the power and the light. For in the place where their darkness and their fire were mixed with each other beasts were brought forth. And it was in the place 35 of the Darkness, and the fire, and the power 28 of the mind, and the light, that human beings came into existence. Being from the Spirit, the thought of the Light, my eye, exists not in every man. 5 For before the flood came from the winds and the demons, rain came to men. But then, in order that the power which is in the tower might be brought forth, 10 and might rest upon the earth  Nature, which had been disturbed,  wanted to harm the seed which will be upon the earth after the flood. 15 Demons were sent to them, and a deviation of the winds, and a burden of the angels, and a fear of the prophet, a condemnation of speech, that I may 20 teach you, O Shem, from what blindness your race is protected. When I have re­vealed to you all that has been spoken,  then the righteous one will 25 shine upon the world with my garment. And the night and the day will  be separated. For I shall hasten down to the world to take the light  of that place, the one which 30 Faith possesses. And I shall appear to those who will acquire the thought of the light of the Spirit. For be­cause of them my majesty appeared.

When 35 he will have appeared, O Shem, upon the earth, [in] the place which will be 29 called Sodom, (then) safeguard the insight which I shall give you. For those whose heart was pure will con­gregate to you, 5 because of the word which you will reveal. For when you appear  in the world, dark Nature will shake against you, 10 together with the winds and a demon,  that they may destroy the in­sight. But you, proclaim quickly to the Sodomites your universal teaching, 15 for they are your members. For the demon of human form will part from that place by my will, since he is ignorant. He will guard this utterance. But the 20 Sodomites, according to the will of the Majesty, will bear witness to the universal testimony. They  will rest with a pure conscience in the place 25 of their repose, which is the unbegotten Spirit. And as these things will happen, Sodom will be burned unjustly  by a base nature. 30 For the evil will not cease in order that your majesty may reveal that place.

Then 30 the demon will depart with Faith. And then he will appear in the four regions of the world. And when 5 Faith appears in the last likeness, then will her appearance become manifest. For the first­born is the demon who appeared in the union 10 of Nature with many faces, in order that Faith might appear in him. For when he appears in the world, evil passions will arise, 15 and earthquakes, and wars, and famines, and blasphemies. For because of him the whole world will be disturbed. For he will seek the power 20 of Faith and Light; he will not find it. For at that time the demon will also appear upon the river to baptize with an 25 imperfect baptism, and to trouble the world with a bondage of water. But it is necessary for me to appear in the members of the thought of Faith to 30 reveal the great things of my power. I shall separate it from the demon who is Soldas. And the light which he possesses from the Spirit I shall mix 35 with my in­vincible garment, as well as him whom I shall reveal 31 in the darkness for your sake and for the sake of your race which will be protected from the evil Darkness.

Know, O Shem, that without 5 Elorchaios and Amoias and Stro­phaias and Chelkeak and Chelkea and Aileou, no one will be able to pass by this wicked region. For this is my memorial 10 that in it I have been victorious over the wicked region. And I have taken the light of the Spirit from the frightful water. For when the 15 appointed days of the demon draw near he who will baptize erringly – , then I shall appear in the baptism of the demon to reveal 20 with the mouth of Faith a testimony to those who belong to her. I testify of thee, Spark the unquenchable, Osei, the elect of 25 the Light, the eye of heaven, and Faith, the first and the last, and Sophia, and Saphaia, and Saphaina, and the righteous Spark, and the 3° impure light. And you (sg.), east, and west, and north, and south, upper air and lower air, and all the powers and authorities, 32 you (pl.) are in Nature.

And you (sg.), Moluchtha and Soch are from every work and every impure effort of 5 Nature. Then I shall come from the demon down to the water. And whirlpools of water and flames of fire will rise up against me. Then I 10 shall come up from the water, having put on the light of Faith and the unquenchable fire, in order that through my help the power of the Spirit may cross, 15 she who has been cast in the world by the winds and the demons and the stars. And in them I every unchastity will be filled.

Finally, O Shem, consider 20 yourself pleasing in the thought of the Light. Do not let your thought have dealings with the fire and the body of Darkness which was an unclean 25 work. These things which I teach you are right.

This is the paraphrase: – For you did not remember that it is from the firmament that 30 your race has been protected. – Elorchaios is the name of the great Light, the place from which I have come, the Word which has no equal. And the likeness is my honored garment. 35 And Derderkeas is the name of his Word in 33 the voice of the Light. And Strophaia is the blessed glance which is the Spirit. and it is Chelkeach, who is my garment, 5 who has come from the Astonishment, who was in the cloud of the Hymen which appeared, as a trimor­phic cloud. And Chelkea is my garment 10 which has two forms, he who was in the cloud of Silence. And Chelke is my garment which  was given him from every region; it was given him in a single form 15 from the greatness, he who was in the cloud of the middle region. and the star of the Light which was mentioned is my invincible gar­ment which 20 I wore in Hades; this (i.e. the star of the Light) is the mercy which surpasses the thought and the testimony of those who bear witness. And the testimony which has been mentioned: 25 the First and the Last, Faith,  the Mind of the wind of darkness. And Sophaia and Saphaina are in the cloud of those who have been separ­ated from the chaotic fire. 30 And the righteous Spark is the cloud of light which has shone in your (pl.) midst. For in it (i.e. the cloud of light) my garment will go down to chaos.

But the 34 impure light, which appeared in the Darkness (and) which belongs to dark Nature, is a power. And the upper air and the lower air, and the 5 powers and the authorities, the demons and the stars, these possessed a particle of fire and a light from the Spirit.

And Moluchthas is a wind, 30 for without it nothing is brought forth upon the earth. He has a likeness of a serpent and a unicorn. His protrusion(s) are manifold wings. 15 And the remainder is the womb which has been disturbed. You are blessed, Shem, for your race has been protected from the dark wind which is many-faced. And they will 20 bear the universal testimony and (bear witness) to the impure  prac­tice of (Nature>. And they will become sublime through the reminder of the Light.

O Shem, 25 no one who wears the body will be able to complete these things. But through I remembrance he will be able to grasp  them, in order that, when his thought separates from the body, 30 then these things may be revealed to him. They have been revealed to your race. O Shem, it is difficult for someone wearing a body to complete [these things, as] I said to you. 35 And it is a small number that will’ complete them, those who possess the particle of the mind and the thought of the light of the 5 Spirit. They will keep their mind from the impure practice. For many in the race of Nature will seek the security of the Power. They will not find it, nor 10 will they be able to do the will of Faith. For they are seed of the universal Darkness. And those who  find them are in much suffering. The winds 15 and the demons will hate them. And the bondage of the body is  severe. For where the winds, and the stars, and the demons cast forth from the power 20 of the Spirit, (there) repentance and testimony will appear upon them, and mercy will lead them to the unbegotten Spirit. 25 And those who are repentant will find rest  in the consummation and Faith, in the place of the Hymen. This is the Faith which will 30 fill the place which has been  left empty. But those who do not share in the Spirit of light and in Faith will dissolve in the [Darkness], the place 36 where repentance did not come. ‘

It is I who opened the eternal gates which were shut from the begin­ning. To those who long for the best of 5 life, and those who are wor­thy of the repose, he revealed them. I granted perception to those who perceive. I disclose to them 10 all the thoughts and the teaching  of the righteous ones. And I did not become their enemy at all. But when I had endured the wrath of the world, I was victorious. There was not 15 one of them who knew me. The gates of fire and endless smoke opened against me. All the winds rose up against me. The thunderings and the 20 lightning-flashes for a time will rise up against me. And they will bring  their wrath upon me. And on account of me according to the flesh, they  will rule over them according to kind. 25

And many who wear erring flesh will go down  to the harmful wat­ers through the winds and the demons. And they are bound by the water. 30 And he will heal with a futile remedy. He will lead astray, and he will bind the world. And those that do the will of Nature, their part will […] 37 two times in the day of the water and the forms of Nature. And it will not be granted them, when Faith disturbs them 5 in order to take to herself the righteous one.

O Shem, it is necessary that the thought be called by the Word in order that the bondage of the power of the Spirit may be saved frog the frightful 10 water. And it is blessedness if it is granted someone to contemplate the exalted one, and to know the exalted time and the bondage. For the water is an 15 insignificant body. And men are not released, since they are bound in the water, just as from the beginn­ing the light of the Spirit was bound.

O Shem, they are deceived 20 by manifold demons, thinking that through baptism with the uncleanness of water, that which is dark, feeble, idle, 25 (and) disturbing, he will take away the sins. And they do not know that from the water to the water there is bondage, and error and unchastity, 30 envy, murder, adultery, false witness, heresies, robberies, lusts, babblings, wrath, bitterness, 35 great […].

38 Therefore there are many deaths which burden their thoughts. For I foretell it to those who have a heart. 5 They will refrain from the impure baptism. And those who take heart from the light of the Spirit will not have dealings with the impure practice. 10 And their heart will not expire, nor will they curse. And the water – <nor> will they be given honor. Where the curse is, there is the deficiency. 15 And the blindness is where the honor is. For if they mix with the evil ones, they become empty in the dark water.  For where the water has been 20 mentioned, there is Nature, and the oath, and the lie, and the loss. For only in the unbegotten Spirit, where the exalted Light rested, 25 has the water not been mentioned, nor can it be mentioned.

For this is my appearance: for when I have 30 completed the times which are assigned to me upon the earth, then I will cast from me [my garment of fire (?)]. And 39 my unequalled garment will come forth upon me, and also all my garments which I put on in all the clouds 5 which were from the Astonishment of the Spirit. For the air will tear my garment. For it (i.e. my garment) will shine, and it will divide all the clouds up to 10 the root of the Light. The repose is the mind and my garment. And my remaining garments, those on the left and those on the right, will shine 15 on the back in order that the image of the Light may appear. For my garments which I put on in the three clouds, in the last day they 20 will rest in their root, i.e. in the unbegotten Spirit, since they are without fault, through the divi­sion of (the) clouds.

Therefore I have appeared, 25 being faultless, on account of the clouds, because they are unequal, in order that the wickedness of Nature might be ended. For she wished at that time 30 to snare me. She was about to fix (to the cross) Soldas who is the dark flame, who attended on the […] of error, 40 that he might snare me. She took care of her faith, being vainglorious.

And at that time 5 the light was about to separate from the Dark­ness, and a voice was heard in the world, saying, “Blessed is the eye which has seen thee, and the mind which has 10 supported thy majesty at my desire.” It will be said by the exalted one, “Blessed is Rebouel among every race of men, for it is you (fern.) alone 15 who have seen.” And she will listen. And they will behead the woman who has the perception, whom you will reveal upon the earth. And according to 20 my will she will bear witness, and she will cease from every vain effort of Nature and chaos. For the woman whom they will behead at that 25 time is the coherence of the power of the demon who will baptize the seed of darkness in severity, that it (i.e. the seed) may mix with unchastity. 30 He begot a woman. She was called Rebouel.

See, O Shem, how all the things I have said to you have been ful­filled. [And …. And the things which] you 41 lack, according to my will they will appear to you at that place upon the earth that you may reveal them 5 as they are. Do not let your thought have dealings with the body. For I have said these things to you, through the voice of the fire, for I entered through 10 the midst of the clouds. And I spoke according to the language of each one. This is my language which I spoke to you. And it will be taken from you. And you will speak with the voice of the world is upon the earth. And it will appear to you with that appearance and voice, and all that I have said to you. Henceforth proceed with Faith 20 to shine in the depths of the world.

And I, Shem, awoke as if from a long sleep. I marveled when I re­ceived the power of the Light and his whole thought. 25 And I pro­ceeded with Faith to shine with me. And the righteous one followed us with my invincible garment. And all that he had told me 30 would happen upon the earth happened. Nature was handed over to Faith, that she (i.e. Faith) might overturn her and that she (i.e. Nature) might stand in the Darkness. She brought forth a 42 turning motion while wandering night and day without receiving rest with the souls.

These things completed her 5 deeds.

Then I rejoiced in the thought of the Light. I came forth from the Darkness and I walked in Faith where the forms of 10 Nature are, up to the top of the earth, to the things which are prepared.

Thy Faith is upon the earth the whole day. For all night and day she surrounds 15 Nature to take to herself the righteous one. For Na­ture is  burdened, and she is troubled. For none will be able to open the forms of the Womb except the mind 20 alone who was entrusted with their likeness. For frightful is their likeness of the two forms  of Nature, the one which is blind.

But they who have 25 a free conscience remove themselves from the babbling of Nature. For they will bear witness to the universal tes­timony; 30 they will strip off the burden of Darkness; they will put on the Word of the Light; and they will not be kept back 43 in the insig­nificant place. And what they possess from the power of the mind they will give to Faith. They will 5 be accepted without’ grief. And the chaotic  fire which they possess they will place in the middle region of

Nature. And they will be received 10 by my garments, those which are in the clouds. It is they who guide their members. They will rest in the Spirit without suffering. And because of this the 15 appointed term of Faith appeared upon the earth for a short time, until the Dark­ness is taken away from her, and her testimony is revealed 20 which was revealed by me. They who will prove to be from her root will strip off the Darkness and the chaotic fire. 25 They will put on the light of the mind and they will bear witness. For all that I have said must happen.

After I cease to be upon the earth and 30 withdraw up to my rest, a great, evil error will come upon the world, and many evils in ac­cordance with the number of the forms of 44 Nature. Evil times will come. And when the era of Nature is approaching destruction, dark­ness will 5 come upon the earth. The number will be small. And a demon will come up from the power who has a likeness of fire. He will divide the heaven, (and) he will rest 10 in the depth of the east. For the whole world will quake. And the deceived world will be thrown into confusion. Many places will be flooded because of 15 envy of the winds and the demons who have a name which is senseless: Phorbea, Chloerga. They are the ones who govern the world with their teach­ing. And they lead astray 20 many hearts because of their disorder and their unchastity. Many places will be sprinkled with blood. And five races by themselves 25 will eat their sons. But the regions of the south  will receive the Word of the Light. But they who are from the error of the world 30 and from the east – . A demon will come forth from (the) belly of the serpent. He was 45 in hiding in a desolate place. He will perform many wonders. Many will loathe him. A wind will come forth from his mouth with a female likeness. Her name will be called  Abalphe. He will reign over the world from the east to the west.

Then Nature will have 10 a final opportunity. And the stars will cease from the sky. The mouth of error will be opened in order that the evil Darkness may become idle and silent. And in the last day 15 the forms of Nature will be destroyed with the winds and all their demons; they’ will become a dark lump, just as they were 20 from the beginning. And the sweet waters which were burdened by the demons will perish. For where the power of the Spirit has gone 25 there are my sweet waters. The other works of Nature will not be manifest. They will mix with the infinite waters of darkness. 30 And all her forms will cease from the middle region.

I,  Shem, have completed these things. And my mind began to separate from the body of darkness. My 46 time was completed. And  my mind put on the immortal memorial. And I said, “I agree with thy 5 memorial which thou hast revealed to me: Elorchaois, and thou, Amoiaiai, and thou, Sederkeas, and they guilelessness, Stro­phaias, and thou, Chelkeak, 10 and thou, Chelkea, and Chelke and Elaie, you (pl.) are the immortal memorial. I testify to thee, Spark, the unquenchable one, who is an eye 15 of heaven and a voice of light,  and Sophaia, and Saphaia, and Saphaina, and the righteous Spark, and Faith, the first and the last, and the upper air and lower 20 air, ( and thou, Chelkeak, and Chelke and Elaie, you (pl.) are the immor­al memorial. I testify to thee, Spark, the unquenchable one, who is an eye of heaven 25 and a voice of light, and Sophaia, and Saphaia, and Saphaina, and the righteous Spark, and Faith, the First and the Last, and the upper air and the lower air, ) and 30 all the powers and the authorities that are in the world. And you, impure light, and you (sg.) also, east, and west, and south, and 35 north, you (pl.) are the zones 47 of the inhabited world. And you (fern. sg.) also Moluch­tha and Essoch, you (pl.) are the root of evil and every work and 5 impure effort of Nature.”

These are the things which I completed while bearing witness. I am Shem. On the day that I was to come forth from (the) body, when my thought 10 remained in (the) body, I awoke as if from a long sleep. And when I arose as it were from the burden of my body, I said, Just as Nature became old, 15 so is it also in the day of mankind. Blessed are they who knew, when they slept, in what power their thought rested. 20

And when the Pleiades separated, I saw clouds which I shall pass by. For the cloud of the Spirit is like a pure beryl. 25 And the cloud of the hymen is like a shining emerald. And the cloud of silence is like a flourishing amaranth. And 30 the cloud of the middle region is like a pure jacinth. And when the righteous one appeared in Nature, then – when Nature 35 was angry – she felt hurt, and she granted 48 to Morphaia to visit heaven. The righteous one visits dur­ing twelve periods that he may visit them during one 5 period, in order that his time may be completed quickly, and Nature may become idle.

Blessed are they who guard themselves against the 10 heritage of death, which is the burdensome water of darkness. For it will not be possible to conquer them in a few moments, since they hasten to come forth from the error of the 15 world. And if they are conquered, they will be kept back from them and be tormented in the darkness until the time of the consummation. When the consummation 20 has come and Nature has been destroyed, then their thoughts will  separ­ate from the Darkness. Nature has burdened them for a short time. And they 25 will be in the ineffable light of the unbegotten Spirit without a form. And thus is the mind as I have said from 30 the first.

Henceforth, O Shem,  go in grace and continue in faith upon the earth. For every power of light and fire will be completed by me 49 because of you. For without you they will not be revealed until you speak them openly. When you cease to be upon the earth, they will 5 be given to the worthy ones. And apart from this proclamation, let them speak about you upon the earth, since they will take the care­free and agreeable land.

3 Corinthians

(from the Acts of Paul, trans. M. R. James)

1.7. … prayed that a messenger be sent to Philippi. For the Corinthians were in great trouble concerning Paul, that he would depart out of the world, before it was time. For there were certain men come to Corinth, Simon and Cleobius, saying: There is no resurrection of the flesh, but that of the spirit only: and that the body of man is not the creation of God; and also concerning the world, that God did not create it, and that God knoweth not the world, and that Jesus Christ was not crucified, but it was an appearance (i.e. but only in appearance), and that lie was not born of Mary, nor of the seed of David. And in a word, there were many things which they had taught in Corinth, deceiving many other men, (and deceiving also) themselves. When therefore the Corinthians heard that Paul was at Philippi, they sent a letter unto Paul to Macedonia by Threptus and Eutychus the deacons. And the letter was after this manner.


I. 1 Stephanus and the elders (presbyters) that are with him, even Daphnus and Eubulus and Theophilus and Zenon, unto Paul THEIR BROTHER ETERNAL greeting in the Lord.

2 There have come unto Corinth two men, Simon and Cleobius, which are overthrowing the faith of many with evil (CORRUPT) words, 3 which do thou prove AND EXAMINE: 4 for we have never heard such words from thee nor from the other apostles: 5 but all that we have received from thee or from them, that do we hold fast. 6 Since therefore the Lord hath had mercy on us, that while thou art still in the flesh we may hear these things again from thee, 7 if it be possible, either come unto us or write unto us. 8 For we believe, according as it hath been revealed unto Theonoe, that the Lord hath delivered thee out of the hand of the lawless one (enemy, Laon).

9 Now the things which these men say and teach are these: 10 They say that we must not use the prophets, 11 and that God is not Almighty, 12 and that there shall be no resurrection of the flesh, 13 and that man was not made by God, 14 and that Christ came not down (is not come, Copt.) in the flesh, neither was born of Mary, 15 and that the world is not of God, but of the angels.

16 Wherefore, brother, WE PRAY THEE use all diligence to come unto us, that the church of the Corinthians may remain without offence, and the madness of these men may be made plain. Farewell ALWAYS in the Lord.


II. 1 The deacons Threptus and Eutyches brought the letter unto Philippi, 2 so that Paul received it, being in bonds because of Stratonice the wife of Apollophanes, AND HE FORGAT HIS BONDS, and was sore afflicted, 3 and cried out, saying: It were better for me to die and to be with the Lord, than to continue in the flesh and to hear such things AND THE CALAMITIES OF FALSE DOCTRINE, so that trouble cometh upon trouble. 4 And over and above this so great affliction I am in bonds and behold these evils whereby the devices of Satan are accomplished. (4 Harnack: may not the priests (intrigues) of Satan anticipate me while (or after) I suffer (have suffered) fetters for the sake (?) of men.) 5 Paul therefore, in great affliction, wrote a letter, answering thus:


III.1 Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ, unto the brethren which are in Corinth, greeting.

2 Being in the midst of many tribulations, I marvel not if the teachings of the evil one run abroad apace. 3 For my Lord Jesus Christ will hasten his coming, and will set at nought (no longer endure the insolence of) them that falsify his words.

4 For I delivered unto you in the beginning the things which I received of the HOLY apostles which were before me, who were at all times with Jesus Christ: 5 namely, that our Lord Jesus Christ was born of Mary WHICH IS of the seed of David ACCORDING TO THE FLESH, the Holy Ghost being sent forth from heaven from the Father unto her BY THE ANGEL GABRIEL, 6 that he (JESUS) might come down into this world and redeem all flesh by his flesh, and raise us up from the dead in the flesh, like as he hath shown to us in himself for an ensample. 7 And because man was formed by his Father, 8 therefore was he sought when he was lost, that he might be quickened by adoption. 9 For to this end did God Almighty who made heaven and earth first send the prophets unto the Jews, that they might be drawn away from their sins. 10 For he designed to save the house of Israel: therefore he conferred a portion of the spirit of Christ upon the prophets and sent them unto the Jews first (or unto the first Jews), and they proclaimed the true worship of God for a long space of time. 11 But the prince of iniquity, desiring to be God, laid hands on them and slew them (banished them from God, Laon MS.), and bound all flesh by evil lusts (AND THE END OF THE WORLD BY JUDGEMENT DREW NEAR).

12 But God Almighty, who is righteous, would not cast away his own creation, BUT HAD COMPASSION ON THEM FROM HEAVEN, 13 and sent his spirit into Mary IN GALILEE, [14 Milan MS. and Arm.: WHO BELIEVED WITH ALL HER HEART AND RECEIVED THE HOLY GHOST IN HER WOMB, THAT JESUS MIGHT COME INTO THE WORLD,] 15 that by that flesh whereby that wicked one had brought in death (had triumphed), by the same he should be shown to be overcome. 16 For by his own body Jesus Christ saved all flesh [AND RESTORED IT UNTO LIFE], 17 that he might show forth the temple of righteousness in his body. 18 In whom (or whereby) we are saved (Milan, Paris: in whom if we believe we are set free).

19 They therefore (Paris MS.; Arm. has: Know therefore that. Laon has: They therefore who agree with them) are not children of righteousness but children of wrath who reject the wisdom (providence?) of God, saying that the heaven and the earth and all that are in them are not the work of God. 20 THEY THEREFORE ARE CHILDREN OF WRATH, for cursed are they, following the teaching of the serpent, 21 whom do ye drive out from you and flee from their doctrine. [Arm., Milan, Paris: 22 FOR YE ARE NOT CHILDREN OF DISOBEDIENCE, BUT OF THE WELL-BELOVED CHURCH. 23 THEREFORE IS THE TIME OF THE RESURRECTION PROCLAIMED UNTO ALL.]

24 And as for that which they say, that there is no resurrection of the flesh, they indeed shall have no resurrection UNTO LIFE, BUT UNTO JUDGEMENT, 25 because they believe not in him that is risen from the dead, NOT BELIEVING NOR UNDERSTANDING, 26 for they know not, O Corinthians, the seeds of wheat or of other seeds (grain), how they are cast bare into the earth and are corrupted and rise again by the will of God with bodies, and clothed. 27 And not only that [body] which is cast in riseth again, but manifold more blessing itself [i.e. fertile and prospering]. 28 And if we must not take an example from seeds ONLY, BUT FROM MORE NOBLE BODIES, 29 ye know how Jonas the son of Amathi, when he would not preach to them of Nineve, BUT FLED, was swallowed by the sea-monster; 30 and after three days and three nights God heard the prayer of Jonas out of the lowest hell, and no part of him was consumed, not even an hair nor an eyelash. 31 How much more, O YE OF LITTLE FAITH, shall he raise up you that have believed in Christ Jesus, like as he himself arose. 32 Likewise also a dead man was cast upon the bones of the prophet Helisaetis by the children of Israel, and he arose, both body and soul and bones and spirit (Laon: arose in his body); how much more shall ye which have been cast upon the body and bones and spirit of the Lord [Milan, Paris: how much more, O ye of little faith, shall ye which have been cast on him] arise again in that day having your flesh whole, EVEN AS HE AROSE? [33 Arm., Milan, Paris: LIKEWISE ALSO CONCERNING THE PROPHET HELIAS: HE RAISED UP THE WIDOW’S SON FROM DEATH: HOW MUCH MORE SHALL THE LORD JESUS RAISE YOU UP FROM DEATH AT THE SOUND OF THE TRUMPET, IN THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE? FOR HE HATH SHOWED US AN ENSAMPLE IN HIS OWN BODY.]

34 If, then, ye receive any other doctrine, GOD SHALL BE WITNESS AGAINST YOU; AND let no man trouble me, 35 for I bear these bonds that I may win Christ, and I therefore bear his marks in my body that I may attain unto the resurrection of the dead. 86 And whoso receiveth (abideth in) the rule which he hath received by the blessed prophets and the holy gospel, shall receive a recompense from the Lord, AND WHEN HE RISETH FROM THE DEAD SHALL OBTAIN ETERNAL LIFE. 37 But whoso transgresseth these things, with him is the fire, and with them that walk in like manner (Milan, Paris: with them that go before in the same way, WHO ARE MEN WITHOUT GOD), 38 which are a generation of vipers, 39 whom do ye reject in the power of the Lord, 40 and peace, GRACE, AND LOVE shall be with you.

Toldot Yeshu

This is a derogatory version of the life of Jesus, growing out of the response of the Jewish community to Christianity. The tradition presented here is most commonly dated to approximately the 6th century CE. The text it self is closer to the 14th c. There is no scholarly consensus on to what extent the text might be a direct parody of a now lost gospel. H.J. Schonfield argued that it was so closely connected to the Gospel of the Hebrews that he attempted to reconstruct that lost work from the
Text from Goldstein, Jesus in the Jewish Tradition, pp. 148-154. Most of the notes are mine, but they are clearly marked ([G] = Goldstein, [AH] = me)

Toldot. There is not just one version of the story, and I have not found Goldstein vorlage on line, but there seems to be a version in Hebrew here.

In the year 3671[1] in the days of King Jannaeus, a great misfortune befell Israel, when there arose a certain disreputable man of the tribe of Judah, whose name was Joseph Pandera. He lived at Bethlehem, in Judah.

Near his house dwelt a widow and her lovely and chaste daughter named Miriam. Miriam was betrothed to Yohanan, of the royal house of David, a man learned in the Torah and God-fearing.

At the close of a certain Sabbath, Joseph Pandera, attractive and like a warrior in appearance, having gazed lustfully upon Miriam, knocked upon the door of her room and betrayed her by pretending that he was her betrothed husband, Yohanan. Even so, she was amazed at this improper conduct and submitted only against her will.

Thereafter, when Yohanan came to her, Miriam expressed astonishment at behavior so foreign to his character. It was thus that they both came to know the crime of Joseph Pandera and the terrible mistake on the part of Miriam. Whereupon Yohanan went to Rabban Shimeon ben Shetah and related to him the tragic seduction. Lacking witnesses required for the punishment of Joseph Pandera, and Miriam being with child, Yohanan left for Babylonia.[2]

Miriam gave birth to a son and named him Yehoshua, after her brother. This name later deteriorated to Yeshu. On the eighth day he was circumcised. When he was old enough the lad was taken by Miriam to the house of study to be instructed in the Jewish tradition.

One day Yeshu walked in front of the Sages with his head uncovered, showing shameful disrespect. At this, the discussion arose as to whether this behavior did not truly indicate that Yeshu was an illegitimate child and the son of a niddah[3]. Moreover, the story tells that while the rabbis were discussing the Tractate Nezikin, he gave his own impudent interpretation of the law and in an ensuing debate he held that Moses could not be the greatest of the prophets if he had to receive counsel from Jethro. This led to further inquiry as to the antecedents of Yeshu, and it was discovered through Rabban Shimeon ben Shetah that he was the illegitimate son of Joseph Pandera. Miriam admitted it.[4] After this became known, it was necessary for Yeshu to flee to Upper Galilee.

After King Jannaeus, his wife Helene[5] ruled over all Israel. In the Temple was to be found the Foundation Stone on which were engraved the letters of God’s Ineffable Name. Whoever learned the secret of the Name and its use would be able to do whatever he wished. Therefore, the Sages took measures so that no one should gain this knowledge. Lions of brass were bound to two iron pillars at the gate of the place of burnt offerings. Should anyone enter and learn the Name, when he left the lions would roar at him and immediately the valuable secret would be forgotten.

Yeshu came and learned the letters of the Name; he wrote them upon the parchment which he placed in an open cut on his thigh and then drew the flesh over the parchment. As he left, the lions roared and he forgot the secret. But when he came to his house he reopened the cut in his flesh with a knife an lifted out the writing. Then he remembered and obtained the use of the letters.[6]

He gathered about himself three hundred and ten young men of Israel and accused those who spoke ill of his birth of being people who desired greatness and power for themselves. Yeshu proclaimed, “I am the Messiah; and concerning me Isaiah prophesied and said, ‘Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.'” He quoted other messianic texts, insisting, “David my ancestor prophesied concerning me: ‘The Lord said to me, thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee.'”

The insurgents with him replied that if Yeshu was the Messiah he should give them a convincing sign. They therefore, brought to him a lame man, who had never walked. Yeshu spoke over the man the letters of the Ineffable Name, and the leper was healed. Thereupon, they worshipped him as the Messiah, Son of the Highest.

When word of these happenings came to Jerusalem, the Sanhedrin decided to bring about the capture of Yeshu. They sent messengers, Annanui and Ahaziah, who, pretending to be his disciples, said that they brought him an invitation from the leaders of Jerusalem to visit them. Yeshu consented on condition the members of the Sanhedrin receive him as a lord. He started out toward Jerusalem and, arriving at Knob, acquired an ass on which he rode into Jerusalem, as a fulfillment of the prophecy of Zechariah.

The Sages bound him and led him before Queen Helene, with the accusation: “This man is a sorcerer and entices everyone.” Yeshu replied, “The prophets long ago prophesied my coming: ‘And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse,’ and I am he; but as for them, Scripture says ‘Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly.'”

Queen Helene asked the Sages: “What he says, is it in your Torah?” They replied: “It is in our Torah, but it is not applicable to him, for it is in Scripture: ‘And that prophet which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.’ He has not fulfilled the signs and conditions of the Messiah.”

Yeshu spoke up: “Madam, I am the Messiah and I revive the dead.” A dead body was brought in; he pronounced the letters of the Ineffable Name and the corpse came to life. The Queen was greatly moved and said: “This is a true sign.” She reprimanded the Sages and sent them humiliated from her presence. Yeshu’s dissident followers increased and there was controversy in Israel.

Yeshu went to Upper Galilee. the Sages came before the Queen, complaining that Yeshu practiced sorcery and was leading everyone astray. Therefore she sent Annanui and Ahaziah to fetch him.

The found him in Upper Galilee, proclaiming himself the Son of God. When they tried to take him there was a struggle, but Yeshu said to the men of Upper Galilee: “Wage no battle.” He would prove himself by the power which came to him from his Father in heaven. He spoke the Ineffable Name over the birds of clay and they flew into the air. He spoke the same letters over a millstone that had been placed upon the waters. He sat in it and it floated like a boat. When they saw this the people marveled. At the behest of Yeshu, the emissaries departed and reported these wonders to the Queen. She trembled with astonishment.

Then the Sages selected a man named Judah Iskarioto and brought him to the Sanctuary where he learned the letters of the Ineffable Name as Yeshu had done.

When Yeshu was summoned before the queen, this time there were present also the Sages and Judah Iskarioto. Yeshu said: “It is spoken of me, ‘I will ascend into heaven.'” He lifted his arms like the wings of an eagle and he flew between heaven and earth, to the amazement of everyone.

The elders asked Iskarioto to do likewise. He did, and flew toward heaven. Iskarioto attempted to force Yeshu down to earth but neither one of the two could prevail against the other for both had the use of the Ineffable Name. However, Iskarioto defiled Yeshu, so that they both lost their power and fell down to the earth, and in their condition of defilement the letters of the Ineffable Name escaped from them. Because of this deed of Judah they weep on the eve of the birth of Yeshu.

Yeshu was seized. His head was covered with a garment and he was smitten with pomegranate staves; but he could do nothing, for he no longer had the Ineffable Name.

Yeshu was taken prisoner to the synagogue of Tiberias, and they bound him to a pillar. To allay his thirst they gave him vinegar to drink. On his head they set a crown of thorns. There was strife and wrangling between the elders and the unrestrained followers of Yeshu, as a result of which the followers escaped with Yeshu to the region of Antioch[7]; there Yeshu remained until the eve of the Passover.

[8] Yeshu then resolved to go the Temple to acquire again the secret of the Name. That year the Passover came on a Sabbath day. On the eve of the Passover, Yeshu, accompanied by his disciples, came to Jerusalem riding upon an ass. Many bowed down before him. He entered the Temple with his three hundred and ten followers. One of them, Judah Iskarioto[9] apprised the Sages that Yeshu was to be found in the Temple, that the disciples had taken a vow by the Ten Commandments not to reveal his identity but that he would point him out by bowing to him. So it was done and Yeshu was seized. Asked his name, he replied to the question by several times giving the names Mattai, Nakki, Buni, Netzer, each time with a verse quoted by him and a counter-verse by the Sages.

Yeshu was put to death on the sixth hour on the eve of the Passover and of the Sabbath. When they tried to hang him on a tree it broke, for when he had possessed the power he had pronounced by the Ineffable Name that no tree should hold him. He had failed to pronounce the prohibition over the carob-stalk[10], for it was a plant more than a tree, and on it he was hanged until the hour for afternoon prayer, for it is written in Scripture, “His body shall not remain all night upon the tree.” They buried him outside the city.

On the first day of the week his bold followers came to Queen Helene with the report that he who was slain was truly the Messiah and that he was not in his grave; he had ascended to heaven as he prophesied. Diligent search was made and he was not found in the grave where he had been buried. A gardener had taken him from the grave and had brought him into his garden and buried him in the sand over which the waters flowed into the garden.

Queen Helene demanded, on threat of a severe penalty, that the body of Yeshu be shown to her within a period of three days. There was a great distress. When the keeper of the garden saw Rabbi Tanhuma walking in the field and lamenting over the ultimatum of the Queen, the gardener related what he had done, in order that Yeshu’s followers should not steal the body and then claim that he had ascended into heaven. The Sages removed the body, tied it to the tail of a horse and transported it to the Queen, with the words, “This is Yeshu who is said to have ascended to heaven.” Realizing that Yeshu was a false prophet who enticed the people and led them astray, she mocked the followers but praised the Sages.

The disciples went out among the nations–three went to the mountains of Ararat, three to Armenia, three to Rome and three to the kingdoms buy the sea, They deluded the people, but ultimately they were slain.

The erring followers amongst Israel said: “You have slain the Messiah of the Lord.” The Israelites answered: “You have believed in a false prophet.” There was endless strife and discord for thirty years.

The Sages desired to separate from Israel those who continued to claim Yeshu as the Messiah, and they called upon a greatly learned man, Simeon Kepha, for help. Simeon went to Antioch, main city of the Nazarenes and proclaimed toe them: “I am the disciple of Yeshu. He has sent me to show you the way. I will give you a sign as Yeshu has done.”

Simeon, having gained the secret of the Ineffable Name, healed a leper and a lame man by means of it and thus found acceptance as a true disciple. He told them that Yeshu was in heaven, at the right hand of his Father, in fulfillment of Psalm 110:1. He added that Yeshu desired that they separate themselves from the Jews and no longer follow their practices, as Isaiah had said, “Your new moons and your feasts my soul abhorreth.” They were now to observe the first day of the week instead of the seventh, the Resurrection instead of the Passover, the Ascension into Heaven instead of the Feast of Weeks, the finding of the Cross instead of the New Year, the Feast of the Circumcision instead of the Day of Atonement, the New Year instead of Chanukah; they were to be indifferent with regard to circumcision and the dietary laws. Also they were to follow the teaching of turning the right if smitten on the left and the meek acceptance of suffering. All these new ordinances which Simeon Kepha (or Paul, as he was known to the Nazarenes) taught them were really meant to separate these Nazarenes from the people of Israel and to bring the internal strife to an end.


[1] About 90, BC. [G]

[2] Some traditions say ‘Egypt’. [AH]

[3] Sexual impurity (incest, adultery, prostitution, etc.). [AH]

[4] In one version of this admission, she confesses that not only is Yeshu the product of an illicit union, but she was ritually unclean from menstruation at the time as well (Sexual contact even with a woman’s husband is not lawful during, or, in Rabbinic law, for some time after, menstruation). [AH]

[5] Salome Alexandra. [G]

[6] Consistent, apparently, with the general tenor of Jewish criticism of Jesus’ miracles going at least as far back as Celsus (2nd c.) this tradition does not deny Jesus’ ability to perform miracles, accusing him instead of practicing magic. This version even accepts the divine origin of the miracles, attributing them to his misuse of the divine name, with its inherent powers. In the Alphabet of Ben Sira, Lilith is accused of the same crime, using the power of the name to escape from the Garden of Eden. [AH]

[7] Some traditions say ‘Egypt’. [G]

[8] In a variation on the story, Judah is able to out-miracle Yeshu in the sign contest without defiling him. Yeshu is discredited and arrested, and, as in this story, his followers are able to break him free, but he still remembers the Ineffable Name. He escapes to Egypt in hopes of learning Egyptian magic as well (regarded as the best magic in the world). Judah comes to Egypt and infiltrates the disciples, posing as one himself. It is from this vantage point that he is able to cause Yeshu to forget the magical Name, resulting in the later’s desire to return to Jerusalem and relearn it. Judah sends warning to the Sages, along with his plan to arrest him. [AH]

[9] Aramaic: Ga’isa. [G]

[10] Or cabbage stalk. [AH]

The Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
the Maker of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord:

Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,
born of the virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, dead, and buried;

He descended into hell.

The third day He arose again from the dead;

He ascended into heaven,
and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Ghost;
the holy catholic church;
the communion of saints;
the forgiveness of sins;
the resurrection of the body;
and the life everlasting.


The Testimony of Truth

Translated by Søren Giversen and Birger A. Pearson
I will speak to those who know to hear not with the ears of the body but with the ears of the mind. For many have sought after the truth and have not been able to find it; because there has taken hold of them the old leaven of the Pharisees and the scribes of the Law. And the leaven is the errant desire of the angels and the demons and the stars. As for the Pharisees and the scribes, it is they who belong to the archons who have authority over them.

For no one who is under the Law will be able to look up to the truth, for they will not be able to serve two masters. For the defilement of the Law is manifest; but undefilement belongs to the light. The Law commands (one) to take a husband (or) to take a wife, and to beget, to multiply like the sand of the sea. But passion, which is a delight to them, constrains the souls of those who are begotten in this place, those who defile and those who are defiled, in order that the Law might be fulfilled through them. And they show that they are assisting the world; and they turn away from the light, who are unable to pass by the archon of darkness until they pay the last penny.

But the Son of Man came forth from Imperishability, being alien to defilement. He came to the world by the Jordan river, and immediately the Jordan turned back. And John bore witness to the descent of Jesus. For it is he who saw the power which came down upon the Jordan river; for he knew that the dominion of carnal procreation had come to an end. The Jordan river is the power of the body, that is, the senses of pleasures. The water of the Jordan is the desire for sexual intercourse. John is the archon of the womb.

And this is what the Son of Man reveals to us: It is fitting for you (pl.) to receive the word of truth, if one will receive it perfectly. But as for one who is in ignorance, it is difficult for him to diminish his works of darkness which he has done. Those who have known Imperishability, however, have been able to struggle against passions […]. I have said to you, “Do not build nor gather for yourselves in the place where the brigands break open, but bring forth fruit to the Father.”

The foolish – thinking in their heart that if they confess, “We are Christians,” in word only (but) not with power, while giving themselves over to ignorance, to a human death, not knowing where they are going nor who Christ is, thinking that they will live, when they are (really) in error – hasten towards the principalities and authorities. They fall into their clutches because of the ignorance that is in them. For (if) only words which bear testimony were effecting salvation, the whole world would endure this thing and would be saved. But it is in this way that they drew error to themselves. …
… (3 lines unrecoverable)
… they do not know that they will destroy themselves. If the Father were to desire a human sacrifice, he would become vainglorious.

For the Son of Man clothed himself with their first-fruits; he went down to Hades and performed many mighty works. He raised the dead therein; and the world-rulers of darkness became envious of him, for they did not find sin in him. But he also destroyed their works from among men, so that the lame, the blind, the paralytic, the dumb, (and) the demon-possessed were granted healing. And he walked upon the waters of the sea. For this reason he destroyed his flesh from […] which he […]. And he became […] salvation […] his death …
… (4 lines unrecoverable)
… everyone […] how many they are! They are blind guides, like the disciples. They boarded the ship; at about thirty stadies, they saw Jesus walking on the sea. These are empty martyrs, since they bear witness only to themselves. And yet they are sick, and they are not able to raise themselves.

But when they are “perfected” with a (martyr’s) death, this is the thought that they have within them: “If we deliver ourselves over to death for the sake of the Name we will be saved.” These matters are not settled in this way. But through the agency of the wandering stars they say they have “completed” their futile “course”, and […] say, […]. But these […] they have delivered themselves …
… (7 lines unrecoverable)
… but they resemble […] them. They do not have the word which gives life.

And some say, “On the last day we will certainly arise in the resurrection.” But they do not know what they are saying, for the last day is when those belonging to Christ […] the earth, which is […]. When the time was fulfilled, he destroyed their archon of darkness […] soul(s) …
… (10 lines unrecoverable)
… he stood […] they asked what they have been bound with, and how they might properly release themselves. And they came to know themselves, who they are, or rather, where they are now, and what is the place in which they will rest from their senselessness, arriving at knowledge. These Christ will transfer to the heights, since they have renounced foolishness (and have) advanced to knowledge. And those who have knowledge …
… (11 lines unrecoverable)
… the great […] resurrection […], he has to come to know the Son of Man, that is, he has come to know himself. This is the perfect life, that man know himself by means of the All.

Do not expect, therefore, the carnal resurrection, which is destruction; and they are not stripped of it (the flesh) who err in expecting a resurrection that is empty. They do not know the power of God, nor do they understand the interpretation of the scriptures, on account of their double-mindedness. The mystery which the Son of Man spoke about, […], in order that […] destroy …
… (2 lines unrecoverable)
… man who […] book, which is written […] for they have …
… (1 line unrecoverable)
… blessed […] within them, and they dwell before God under the light yoke. Those who do not have the life-giving word in their heart will die; and in their thought they have become manifest to the Son of Man, according to the manner of their activity and their error […] of this sort. They […] as he divides the […], and they do not understand that the Son of Man is coming from him.

But when they have come up to […] sacrifice, they die in a human way, and they deliver themselves …
… (2 lines unrecoverable)
… a death …
… (3 lines unrecoverable)
… those who […], they are many […], each one […] pervert […] gain […] their mind. Those who receive him to themselves with uprightness and power and every knowledge are the ones whom he will transfer to the heights, unto life eternal.

But those who receive him to themselves with ignorance, the pleasures which are defiled prevail over them. It is those people who used to say; “God created members for our use, for us to grow in defilement, in order that we might enjoy ourselves.” And they cause God to participate with them in deeds of this sort; and they are not steadfast upon the earth. Nor will they reach heaven, but […] place will […] four …
… (3 lines unrecoverable)
… unquenchable …
… (3 lines unrecoverable)
… word […] upon the Jordan river, when he came to John at the time he was baptized. The Holy Spirit came down upon him as a dove […] accept for ourselves that he was born of a virgin and he took flesh; he […] having received power. Were we also begotten from a virginal state or conceived by the word? Rather, we have been born again by the word. Let us therefore strengthen ourselves as virgins in the […].

The males dwell […] the virgin, by means of […] in the word […]. But the word of […] and spirit …
… (4 lines unrecoverable)
… is the Father […] for the man …
… (1 line unrecoverable)
… like Isaiah, who was sawed with a saw, (and) he became two. So also the Son of Man divides us by the word of the cross. It divides the day from the night and the light from the darkness and the corruptible from incorruptibility, and it divides the males from the females. But Isaiah is the type of the body. The saw is the word of the Son of Man, which separates us from the error of the angels.

No one knows the God of truth except solely the man who will forsake all of the things of the world, having renounced the whole place, (and) having grasped the fringe of his garment. He has set himself up as a power; he has subdued desire in every way within himself. He has […] and he has turned to him […], having also examined […] in becoming […] the mind. And he […] from his soul […] there […] he has …
… (1 line unrecoverable)
… in what way […] the flesh which […] in what way […] out of it, and how many powers does he have? And who is the one who has bound him? And who is the one who will loose him? And what is the light? And what is the darkness? And who is the one who has created the earth? And who is God? And who are the angels? And what is soul? And what is spirit? And where is the voice? And who is the one who speaks? And who is the one who hears? Who is the one who gives pain? And who is the one who suffers? And who is it who has begotten the corruptible flesh? And what is the governance? And why are some lame, and some blind, and some […], and some […], and some rich, and some poor? And why are some powerless, some brigands? …
… (4 lines unrecoverable)

… he having […] as he again […], fighting against thoughts of the archons and the powers and the demons, not giving them a place in which to rest. But he struggled against their passions […], he condemned their error. He cleansed his soul from the transgressions which he had committed with an alien hand. He stood up, being upright within himself, because he exists in everyone, and because he has death and life within himself, and he exists in the midst of both of them. And when he had received the power, he turned towards the parts of the right, and he entered into the truth, having forsaken all things pertaining to the left, having been filled with wisdom, with counsel, with understanding, and with insight and an eternal power. And he broke open his bonds. Those who had formed the whole place, he condemned. But they did not find […] hidden within him.

And he gave command to himself; he began to know himself and to speak with his mind, which is the father of the truth, concerning the unbegotten aeons, and concerning the virgin who brought forth the light. And he thinks about the power which flowed over the whole place, and which takes hold of him. And he is a disciple of his mind, which is male. He began to keep silent within himself until the day when he should become worthy to be received above. He rejects for himself loquacity and disputations, and he endures the whole place; and he bears up under them, and he endures all of the evil things. And he is patient with every one; he makes himself equal to every one, and he also separates himself from them. And that which someone wants, he brings to him, in order that he might become perfect (and) holy. When the […], he grasped him, having bound him upon […], and he was filled with wisdom. He bore witness to the truth […] the power, and he went into Imperishability, the place whence he came forth, having left the world, which has the appearance of the night, and those that whirl the stars in it. This, therefore, is the true testimony: When man comes to know himself and God, who is over the truth, he will be saved, and he will crown himself with the crown unfading.

John was begotten by the World through a woman, Elizabeth; and Christ was begotten by the world through a virgin, Mary. What is (the meaning of) this mystery? John was begotten by means of a womb worn with age, but Christ passed through a virgin’s womb. When she had conceived, she gave birth to the Savior. Furthermore, she was found to be a virgin again. Why, then do you (pl.) err and not seek after these mysteries, which were prefigured for our sake?

It is written in the Law concerning this, when God gave a command to Adam, “From every tree you may eat, but from the tree which is in the midst of Paradise do not eat, for on the day that you eat from it, you will surely die.” But the serpent was wiser than all the animals that were in Paradise, and he persuaded Eve, saying, “On the day when you eat from the tree which is in the midst of Paradise, the eyes of your mind will be opened.” And Eve obeyed, and she stretched forth her hand; she took from the tree and ate; she also gave to her husband with her. And immediately they knew that they were naked, and they took some fig-leaves (and) put them on as girdles.

But God came at the time of evening, walking in the midst of Paradise. When Adam saw him, he hid himself. And he said, “Adam, where are you?” He answered (and) said, “I have come under the fig tree.” And at that very moment, God knew that he had eaten from the tree of which he had commanded him, “Do not eat of it.” And he said to him, “Who is it who has instructed you?” And Adam answered, “The woman whom you have given me.” And the woman said, “It is the serpent who instructed me.” And he (God) cursed the serpent, and called him “devil.” And he said, “Behold, Adam has become like one of us, knowing evil and good.” Then he said, “Let us cast him out of paradise, lest he take from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever.”

But what sort is this God? First he maliciously refused Adam from eating of the tree of knowledge, and, secondly, he said “Adam, where are you?” God does not have foreknowledge? Would he not know from the beginning? And afterwards, he said, “Let us cast him out of this place, lest he eat of the tree of life and live forever.” Surely, he has shown himself to be a malicious grudger! And what kind of God is this? For great is the blindness of those who read, and they did not know him. And he said, “I am the jealous God; I will bring the sins of the fathers upon the children until three (and) four generations.” And he said, “I will make their heart thick, and I will cause their mind to become blind, that they might not know nor comprehend the things that are said.” But these things he has said to those who believe in him and serve him!

And in one place, Moses writes, “He made the devil a serpent <for> those whom he has in his generation.” Also, in the book which is called “Exodus,” it is written thus: “He contended against the magicians, when the place was full of serpents according to their wickedness; and the rod which was in the hand of Moses became a serpent, (and) it swallowed the serpents of the magicians.”

Again it is written (Nm 21:9), “He made a serpent of bronze (and) hung it upon a pole …
… (1 line unrecoverable)
… which […] for the one who will gaze upon this bronze serpent, none will destroy him, and the one who will believe in this bronze serpent will be saved.” For this is Christ; those who believed in him have received life. Those who did not believe will die.

What, then, is this faith? They do not serve …
… (16 lines unrecoverable)
… and you (pl.) […] we […] and you do not understand Christ spiritually when you say, “We believe in Christ”. For this is the way Moses writes in every book. The book of the generation of Adam is written for those who are in the generation of the Law. They follow the Law and they obey it, and …
… ( 1 line unrecoverable)
… together with the …

  1. 51-54 of codex almost completely missing

… the Ogdoad, which is the eighth, and that we might receive that place of salvation.” But they know not what salvation is, but they enter into misfortune, and into a […] in death, in the waters. This is the baptism of death which they observe …
… (6 lines unrecoverable)
… come to death […] and this is […] according to …
… (lines 19 through end-of-page unrecoverable)
… he completed the course of Valentinus. He himself speaks about the Ogdoad, and his disciples resemble the disciples of Valentinus. They on their part, moreover, […] leave the good, but they have worship of the idols …
… (8 lines unrecoverable)
… he has spoken many words, and he has written many books […] words …
… (lines 16 through end-of-page unrecoverable)
… they are manifest from the confusion in which they are, in the deceit of the world. For they go to that place, together with their knowledge, which is vain.

Isidore also, his son, resembled Basilides. He also […] many, and he […], but he did not […] this […] other disciple(s) […] blind […], but he gave them […] pleasures …
… (lines 16 through end-of-page unrecoverable)
… they do not agree with each other. For the Simonians take wives (and) beget children; but the […] abstain from their […] nature […] a passion […] the drops of […] anoint them …
… (1 line unrecoverable)
… which we […] they agree with each other […] him […] they …
… (lines 14 through end-of-page unrecoverable)
… judgment(s) […] these, on account of the […] them […] the heretics […] schism(s) […] and the males […] are men […] will belong to the world-rulers of darkness …
… (1 line unrecoverable)
… of the world …
… (1 line unrecoverable)
… they have […] the archons […] power(s) …
… (1 line unrecoverable)
… judge them […]. But the […] word(s) of …
… (lines 20 through end-of-page unrecoverable)
… speak, while they […] become […] in a fire unquenchable […] they are punished.

But these who are from the generation of the Son of Man have revealed to the […] in all of the affairs …
… (2 lines unrecoverable)
… But it is difficult to […] to find one […] and two …
… (2 lines unrecoverable)
… For the Savior said to his disciples, […] one in …
… (lines 19 through end-of-page unrecoverable)
… and he has […] wisdom, as well as counsel and understanding and intelligence and knowledge and power and truth. And he has some […] from above […], the place where the Son of Man …
… (2 lines unrecoverable)
… power […] guard against …
… (lines 14 through end-of-page unrecoverable)
… he knows […] understands …
… (1 line unrecoverable)
… worthy of him […] true […] alien […]. But […], together with […] evil, in …
… (2 lines unrecoverable)
… he received baptism […], and those that …
… (lines 13 through end-of-page unrecoverable)

  1. 63-64 of codex missing

… in a dream […] silver […]. But […] becomes wealthy […] among the authorities …
… (1 line unrecoverable)
… But the sixtieth […], thus […] world […] they […] gold …
… (18 lines unrecoverable)
… they think …
… (1 line unrecoverable)
… we have been released from the flesh. …
… (1 line unrecoverable)
… not turn him to […] Jesus …
… (1 line unrecoverable)
… the beginning […] a son …
… (1 line unrecoverable)
… out of […], which is the pattern […] light of …
… (16 lines unrecoverable)
… to find from […] defilement which …
… (1 line unrecoverable)
… they do not blaspheme […] them not, neither is there any pleasure nor desire, nor can they control them. It is fitting that they should become undefiled, in order that they might show to every one that they are from the generation of the Son of Man, since it is about them that the Savior bore witness.

But those who are from the seed of Adam are manifest by their deeds, which are their work. They have not ceased from desire which is wicked […]. But some […] the dogs […] the angels for […] which they beget […] will come […] with their …
… (9 lines unrecoverable)
… move as they […] on the day when they will beget children. Not only that, but they have intercourse while they are giving suck.

But others are caught up in the death of […]. They are pulled <every> which way, (and) they are gratified by unrighteous Mammon. They lend money at interest; they waste time; and they do not work. But he who is father of Mammon is (also) father of sexual intercourse.

But he who is able to renounce them shows that he is from the generation of the Son of Man, (and) has power to accuse them. […] he restrains […] part(s) in a […] in wickedness, and he makes the outer like the inner. He resembles an angel which …
… (1 line unrecoverable)
… power […] said them. But the one …
… (5 lines unrecoverable)
And having withdrawn […], he became silent, having ceased from loquacity and disputations. But he who has found the life-giving word, and he who has come to know the Father of Truth, has come to rest; he has ceased seeking, having found. And when he found, he became silent. But few are the things he used to say to those that […] with their intellectual mind the […].

There are some, who upon entering the faith, receive a baptism on the ground that they have it as a hope of salvation, which they call the “seal”, not knowing that the fathers of the world are manifest (in) that place. But he himself knows that he is sealed. For the Son of Man did not baptize any of his disciples. But […], if those who are baptized were headed for life, the world would become empty. And the fathers of baptism were defiled.

But the baptism of truth is something else; it is by renunciation of the world that it is found. But those who say only with the tongue that they are renouncing it are lying, and they are coming to the place of fear. Moreover, they are humbled within it. Just as those to whom it was given to have been condemned, they shall get something!

They are wicked in their behavior! Some of them fall away to the worship of idols. Others have demons dwelling with them, as did David the king. He is the one who laid the foundation of Jerusalem; and his son Solomon, whom he begat in adultery, is the one who built Jerusalem by means of the demons, because he received power. When he had finished building, he imprisoned the demons in the temple. He placed them into seven waterpots. They remained a long time in the waterpots, abandoned there. When the Romans went up to Jerusalem, they discovered the waterpots, and immediately the demons ran out of the waterpots, as those who escape from prison. And the waterpots remained pure thereafter. And since those days, they dwell with men who are in ignorance, and they have remained upon the earth.

Who, then, is David? And who is Solomon? And what is the foundation? And what is the wall which surrounds Jerusalem? And who are the demons? And what are the waterpots? And who are the Romans? But these are mysteries …
… (11 lines unrecoverable)
… victorious over […] the Son of Man […] undefiled …
… (3 lines unrecoverable)
… and he […] when he […]. For […] is a great …
… (1 line unrecoverable)
… to this nature …
… (1 line unrecoverable)
… those that […] all in a […] blessed, and they […] like a salamander. It goes into the flaming fire which burns exceedingly; it slithers into the furnace …
… (13 lines unrecoverable)
… the furnace …
… (1 line unrecoverable)
… the boundaries […], that they might see […] and the power […] sacrifice. Great is the sacrifice …
… (2 lines unrecoverable)
…, but in a […] aside […]. And the Son of Man […], and he has become manifest through the bubbling fountain of immortality. …
… (1 line unrecoverable)
… he is pure, and he is […]. A free man is not envious. He is set apart from everyone, from every audacity and envy the power of which is great […] is (a) disciple […] pattern of law […] these […] only …
… (2 lines unrecoverable)
… they placed him under a […] a teaching …
… (1 line unrecoverable)
… his teaching, saying, “Even if an angel comes from heaven, and preaches to you beyond that which we preached to you, may he be anathema,” (Gal 1:8) not letting the […] of the soul which […] freedom […]. For they are still immature […] they are not able to keep this law which works by means of these heresies – though it is not they, but the powers of Sabaoth – by means of the […] the doctrines […] as they have been jealous of some […] law(s) in Christ. Those who will […] power […] they reach the […] the twelve judge […] them […] the fountain of immortality …
… (3 lines unrecoverable)
… in order that …
… (3 lines unrecoverable)
… good […] the whole place. […] there the enemies. He baptized himself, and the […] he became divine; he flew up, (and) they did not grasp him. […] there the enemies […], since it was not possible for them to bring him down again. If every […] grasps him with ignorance, attending to those who teach in the corners by means of carved things and artful tricks, they are not able […].

  1. 75-76 of codex missin

The Thunder, Perfect Mind

Translated by George W. MacRae

I was sent forth from the power,

and I have come to those who reflect upon me,

and I have been found among those who seek after me.

Look upon me, you who reflect upon me,

and you hearers, hear me.

You who are waiting for me, take me to yourselves.

And do not banish me from your sight.

And do not make your voice hate me, nor your hearing.

Do not be ignorant of me anywhere or any time. Be on your guard!

Do not be ignorant of me.
For I am the first and the last.

I am the honored one and the scorned one.

I am the whore and the holy one.

I am the wife and the virgin.

I am <the mother> and the daughter.

I am the members of my mother.

I am the barren one

and many are her sons.

I am she whose wedding is great,

and I have not taken a husband.

I am the midwife and she who does not bear.

I am the solace of my labor pains.

I am the bride and the bridegroom,

and it is my husband who begot me.

I am the mother of my father

and the sister of my husband

and he is my offspring.

I am the slave of him who prepared me.

I am the ruler of my offspring.

But he is the one who begot me before the time on a birthday.

And he is my offspring in (due) time,

and my power is from him.

I am the staff of his power in his youth,

and he is the rod of my old age.

And whatever he wills happens to me.

I am the silence that is incomprehensible

and the idea whose remembrance is frequent.

I am the voice whose sound is manifold

and the word whose appearance is multiple.

I am the utterance of my name.
Why, you who hate me, do you love me,

and hate those who love me?

You who deny me, confess me,

and you who confess me, deny me.

You who tell the truth about me, lie about me,

and you who have lied about me, tell the truth about me.

You who know me, be ignorant of me,

and those who have not known me, let them know me.
For I am knowledge and ignorance.

I am shame and boldness.

I am shameless; I am ashamed.

I am strength and I am fear.

I am war and peace.

Give heed to me.
I am the one who is disgraced and the great one.

Give heed to my poverty and my wealth.

Do not be arrogant to me when I am cast out upon the earth,

and you will find me in those that are to come.

And do not look upon me on the dung-heap

nor go and leave me cast out,

and you will find me in the kingdoms.

And do not look upon me when I am cast out among those who

are disgraced and in the least places,

nor laugh at me.

And do not cast me out among those who are slain in violence.
But I, I am compassionate and I am cruel.

Be on your guard!
Do not hate my obedience

and do not love my self-control.

In my weakness, do not forsake me,

and do not be afraid of my power.
For why do you despise my fear

and curse my pride?

But I am she who exists in all fears

and strength in trembling.

I am she who is weak,

and I am well in a pleasant place.

I am senseless and I am wise.
Why have you hated me in your counsels?

For I shall be silent among those who are silent,

and I shall appear and speak,
Why then have you hated me, you Greeks?

Because I am a barbarian among the barbarians?

For I am the wisdom of the Greeks

and the knowledge of the barbarians.

I am the judgement of the Greeks and of the barbarians.

I am the one whose image is great in Egypt

and the one who has no image among the barbarians.

I am the one who has been hated everywhere

and who has been loved everywhere.

I am the one whom they call Life,

and you have called Death.

I am the one whom they call Law,

and you have called Lawlessness.

I am the one whom you have pursued,

and I am the one whom you have seized.

I am the one whom you have scattered,

and you have gathered me together.

I am the one before whom you have been ashamed,

and you have been shameless to me.

I am she who does not keep festival,

and I am she whose festivals are many.
I, I am godless,

and I am the one whose God is great.

I am the one whom you have reflected upon,

and you have scorned me.

I am unlearned,

and they learn from me.

I am the one that you have despised,

and you reflect upon me.

I am the one whom you have hidden from,

and you appear to me.

But whenever you hide yourselves,

I myself will appear.

For whenever you appear,

I myself will hide from you.
Those who have […] to it […] senselessly […].

Take me [… understanding] from grief.

and take me to yourselves from understanding and grief.

And take me to yourselves from places that are ugly and in ruin,

and rob from those which are good even though in ugliness.

Out of shame, take me to yourselves shamelessly;

and out of shamelessness and shame,

upbraid my members in yourselves.

And come forward to me, you who know me

and you who know my members,

and establish the great ones among the small first creatures.

Come forward to childhood,

and do not despise it because it is small and it is little.

And do not turn away greatnesses in some parts from the smallnesses,

for the smallnesses are known from the greatnesses.
Why do you curse me and honor me?

You have wounded and you have had mercy.

Do not separate me from the first ones whom you have known.

And do not cast anyone out nor turn anyone away

[…] turn you away and [… know] him not.


What is mine […].

I know the first ones and those after them know me.

But I am the mind of […] and the rest of […].

I am the knowledge of my inquiry,

and the finding of those who seek after me,

and the command of those who ask of me,

and the power of the powers in my knowledge

of the angels, who have been sent at my word,

and of gods in their seasons by my counsel,

and of spirits of every man who exists with me,

and of women who dwell within me.

I am the one who is honored, and who is praised,

and who is despised scornfully.

I am peace,

and war has come because of me.

And I am an alien and a citizen.
I am the substance and the one who has no substance.

Those who are without association with me are ignorant of me,

and those who are in my substance are the ones who know me.

Those who are close to me have been ignorant of me,

and those who are far away from me are the ones who have known me.

On the day when I am close to you, you are far away from me,

and on the day when I am far away from you, I am close to you.
[I am …] within.

[I am …] of the natures.

I am […] of the creation of the spirits.

[…] request of the souls.

I am control and the uncontrollable.

I am the union and the dissolution.

I am the abiding and I am the dissolution.

I am the one below,

and they come up to me.

I am the judgment and the acquittal.

I, I am sinless,

and the root of sin derives from me.

I am lust in (outward) appearance,

and interior self-control exists within me.

I am the hearing which is attainable to everyone

and the speech which cannot be grasped.

I am a mute who does not speak,

and great is my multitude of words.

Hear me in gentleness, and learn of me in roughness.

I am she who cries out,

and I am cast forth upon the face of the earth.

I prepare the bread and my mind within.

I am the knowledge of my name.

I am the one who cries out,

and I listen.

I appear and […] walk in […] seal of my […].

I am […] the defense […].

I am the one who is called Truth

and iniquity […].
You honor me […] and you whisper against me.

You who are vanquished, judge them (who vanquish you)

before they give judgment against you,

because the judge and partiality exist in you.

If you are condemned by this one, who will acquit you?

Or, if you are acquitted by him, who will be able to detain you?

For what is inside of you is what is outside of you,

and the one who fashions you on the outside

is the one who shaped the inside of you.

And what you see outside of you, you see inside of you;

it is visible and it is your garment.

Hear me, you hearers

and learn of my words, you who know me.

I am the hearing that is attainable to everything;

I am the speech that cannot be grasped.

I am the name of the sound

and the sound of the name.

I am the sign of the letter

and the designation of the division.

And I […].

(3 lines missing)

[…] light […].

[…] hearers […] to you

[…] the great power.

And […] will not move the name.

[…] to the one who created me.

And I will speak his name.
Look then at his words

and all the writings which have been completed.

Give heed then, you hearers

and you also, the angels and those who have been sent,

and you spirits who have arisen from the dead.

For I am the one who alone exists,

and I have no one who will judge me.

For many are the pleasant forms which exist in numerous sins,

and incontinencies,

and disgraceful passions,

and fleeting pleasures,

which (men) embrace until they become sober

and go up to their resting place.

And they will find me there,

and they will live,

and they will not die again.

Apocryphal Psalms

W. Wright, Some Apocryphal Psalms in Syriac, Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, vol. 9 (1886-7) pp.257-258, 264-6

Some Apocryphal Psalms in Syriac.

In a Syriac MS., formerly belonging to the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, but now deposited in the University Library of Cambridge, I find the following apocryphal Psalms, which, with the exception of the first, have not yet, so far as I know, been printed anywhere. The MS. contains the Kethabha dhe-Dhurrasha, or ‘Book of Discipline,’ a large theological treatise, composed on a very artificial plan, by Elias, bishop of Peroz-Shabhor or al-Anbar (who lived about a.d. 920; see Assemani, B.O. iii. 1, p. 258 sq.). At the end of the first section of this work, the scribe has added a few excerpts for the purpose of filling up some blank leaves. These are: (1) the Psalms in question, ff. 115a-116b; (2) explanations of some difficult words in ‘the Book of the Paradise’; and (3) a disputation between a Jacobite and a Nestorian, ff. 116b-117b. The scribe was the well known Homo of Al-Kosh, near Mosul, “the village of the prophet Nahum.” He has recorded his name in several subscriptions, but as the MS. is imperfect at the end, the exact date of writing is not given. It must, however, roughly speaking, lie between a.d. 1675 and 1712 (see Hoffmann, Opusc. Nestor., pp. Ill, IV), and the watermark in the paper—-three crescents with a rather small adjunct of this shape [*] in one corner of the page—-would seem to belong to the latter part of the xviith century.

These same Psalms, five in number, are also found, with the same adjuncts, in the Vatican MS. of Elias of al-Anbar’s work, Cod. Vat. Syr. clxxxiii, ff. 117b-119a (see Assemani’s Catalogue, t. iii, p. 385). Professor Guidi has, with his usual kindness, collated this MS. for me. It is dated A. Gr. 2014 = a.d. 1703, and was written at Al-Kosh by one Khaushabha bar Daniel. |258

The Psalms are five in number, of which the first is that ordinarily numbered as Ps. cli in Greek and Syriac Hexaplar MSS. (see, for example, the Codex Ambrosianus, ed. Ceriani, f. 38b). I reproduce the text, so far as possible, exactly as it stands in the MSS. |264

Five Psalms of David, which are not written in the order of the psalms.

I. Ps. cli. A Thanksgiving of David.

(1) I was the youngest among my brethren, and a youth in my father’s house. (2) I used to feed my father’s flock, and I found a lion and a wolf, and slew them and rent them. (3) My hands made an organ, and my fingers fashioned a harp. (4) Who will show me my Lord? He, my Lord, is become my God. (5) He sent His angel and took me away from my father’s flock, and anointed me with the oil of anointing. (6) My brethren, the fair and the tall, in them the Lord had no pleasure. (7) And I went forth to meet the Philistine, and he cursed me by his idols. (8) But I drew his sword and cut off his head, and took away the reproach from the children of Israel.

II. The Prayer of Hezekiah when enemies surrounded him.

(1) With a loud voice glorify ye God; in the assembly of many proclaim ye His glory. (2) Amid the multitude of the upright glorify His praise; and speak of His glory with the righteous. (3) Join yourselves (literally, your soul) to the good and to the perfect, to glorify the Most High. (4) Gather yourselves together to make known His strength; and be not slow in showing forth His deliverance [and His strength] and His glory to all babes. (5) That the honour of the Lord may be known, wisdom hath been given; and to tell of His works it hath been made known to men: (6) to make known unto babes His strength, and to make them that lack understanding (literally, heart) to comprehend His glory; (7) who are far from His entrances and distant from His gates: (8) because the Lord of Jacob is exalted, and His glory is upon all His works. (9) And a man who glorifies the Most High, in him will He take pleasure; as in one who offers fine meal, and as in one who offers he-goats and calves; (10) and as in one who makes fat the altar with a multitude of burnt offerings; and as the smell of incense from the hands of the just. (11) From thy upright gates shall be heard His voice, and from the voice of the upright admonition. (12) And 265 in their eating shall be satisfying in truth, and in their drinking, when they share together. (13) Their dwelling is in the law of the Most High, and their speech is to make known His strength. (14) How far from the wicked is speech of Him, and from all transgressors to know Him! (15) Lo, the eye of the Lord taketh pity on the good, and unto them that glorify Him will He multiply mercy, and from the time of evil will He deliver their soul. (16) Blessed be the Lord, who hath delivered the wretched from the hand of the wicked; who raiseth up a horn out of Jacob and a judge of the nations out of Israel; (17) that He may prolong His dwelling in Zion, and may adorn our age in Jerusalem.

III. When the People obtained permission from Cyrus to return home.

(1) O Lord, I have cried unto Thee; hearken Thou unto me. (2) I have lifted up my hands to Thy holy dwelling-place; incline Thine ear unto me. (3) And grant me my request; my prayer withhold not from me. (4) Build up my soul, and destroy it not; and lay it not bare before the wicked. (5) Them that recompense evil things turn Thou away from me, O judge of truth. (6) O Lord, judge me not according to my sins, because no flesh is innocent before Thee. (7) Make plain to me, O Lord, Thy law, and teach me Thy judgments; (8) and many shall hear of Thy works, and the nations shall praise Thine honour. (9) Remember me and forget me not; and lead me not into things that be too hard for me. (10) The sins of my youth make Thou to pass from me, and my chastisement let them not remember against me. (11) Cleanse me, O  Lord, from the evil leprosy, and let it no more come unto me. (12) Dry up its roots in (literally, from) me, and let not its leaves sprout within me. (13) Great art Thou, O Lord; therefore my request shall be fulfilled from before Thee. (14) To whom shall I  complain that he may give unto me? and what can the strength of men add [unto me]? (15) From before Thee, O Lord, is my confidence; I cried unto the Lord and He heard me, and healed the breaking of my heart. (16) I slumbered and slept; I dreamed and was helped, and the Lord sustained me. (17) They sorely pained my heart; I will return thanks because the Lord delivered |266 me. (18) Now will I rejoice in their shame; I have hoped in Thee, and I shall not be ashamed. (19) Give Thou honour for ever, even for ever and ever. (20) Deliver Israel Thine elect, and them of the house of Jacob Thy proved one.

IV. Spoken by David when he was contending with the lion and the wolf which took a sheep from his flock.

(1) O God, O God, come to my aid; help Thou me and save me; deliver Thou my soul from the slayer. (2) Shall I go down to Sheol by the mouth of the lion? or shall the wolf confound me? (3) Was it not enough for them that they lay in wait for my father’s flock, and rent in pieces a sheep of my father’s drove, but they were wishing also to destroy my soul? (4) Have pity, O Lord, and save Thy holy one from destruction; that he may rehearse Thy glories in all his times, and may praise Thy great name: (5) when Thou hast delivered him from the hands of the destroying lion and of the ravening wolf, and when Thou hast rescued my captivity from the hands of the wild beasts. (6) Quickly, O my Lord (Adonai), send from before Thee a deliverer, and draw me out of the gaping pit, which imprisons me in its depths.

V. Spoken by David when returning thanks to God, who had delivered him from the lion and the wolf and he had slain both of them.

(1) Praise the Lord, all ye nations; glorify Him, and bless His name: (2) Who rescued the soul of His elect from the hands of death, and delivered His holy one from destruction: (3) and saved me from the nets of Sheol, and my soul from the pit that cannot be fathomed. (4) Because, ere my deliverance could go forth from before Him, I was well nigh rent in two pieces by two wild beasts. (5) But He sent His angel, and shut up from me the gaping mouths, and rescued my life from destruction. (6) My soul shall glorify Him and exalt Him, because of all His kindnesses which He hath done and will do unto me.

Queens’ College, Cambridge,
4th May, 1887.

[Most footnotes and all Syriac material omitted]

1. * Or better, as in Cod. Ambros., The Lord, He is my God. 

2. + The feminine suffix seems to be addressed to the city of Jerusalem.

3. * Cod. Vat. my requests.

Book of Elijah

Sefer Elijah or the ‘Book of Elijah’ was first published in an anthology of midrashic texts in Salonika in 1743. This version of the text was subsequently reprinted by Adolph Jellinek, ed., Bet ha-Midrasch: Sammlung kleiner Midraschim und vermischter Abhandlungen aus der jüdischen Literatur (6 vols.; Leipzig, 1853-77; repr., Jerusalem: Bamberger & Wahrmann, 1938), 3:65-68. Another edition based on the version of the work found in Munich Ms. Hebr. 222, a manuscript dating from the fifteenth century containing an anthology of brief midrashim, was prepared by Moses Buttenwieser, Die hebräische Elias-Apokalypse und ihre Stellung in der apokalyptischen Litteratur des rabbinischen Schrifttums und der Kirche (Leipzig: Eduard Pfeiffer, 1897). Yehudah Even-Shmuel (Midreshey ge’ullah [2d ed.; Jerusalem: Mosad Bialik, 1954], 41-48) publishes an eclectic version which combines and harmonizes the editions of Jellinek and Buttenwieser. The same author has also published a later reworked version that is taken from a Yemenite manuscript of uncertain date. The present translation utilizes Buttenwieser as its base text with frequent reference to the variant renderings found in the edition published by Jellinek.

‘And he lay down and fell asleep beneath a broom-shrub. Then lo, this angel touched him and said, “Get up, eat!”’ (1 Kgs 19:5). Michael, ‘the great prince’ of Israel, revealed this mystery to the prophet Elijah at Mount Carmel; (namely), the eschaton and what was scheduled to transpire at the End of Days at the end of the four empires (and) the things which would take place during the reign of the fourth ruler.

A wind from the Lord lifted me (i.e., Elijah) up and transported me to the southern part of the world, and I saw there a high place burning with fire where no creature was able to enter. Then the wind lifted me up and transported me to the eastern part of the world, and I saw there stars battling one another incessantly. Again the wind lifted me up and transported me to the western part of the world, and I saw there souls undergoing a painful judgment, each one in accordance with its deeds.

Then Michael said to me, ‘The appointed time for the End of Days will occur during the reign of a king who will be named Hrmlt. There are some that say that Trmyl’ will be his name.’  R. Simai says Hkšrt will be his name. R. Eleazar says Artaxerxes will be his name. R. Judah b. Betira says Cyrus will be his name. R. Šim‘ōn b. Yohai says Khusrau will be his name. The halakhah in this case follows R. Šim‘ōn who said ‘Khusrau’ will be his name.

The last king who rules Persia shall come up against the Romans three successive years until he expands (his gains) against them for twelve months. Three mighty warriors will come up to oppose him from the west, but they will be handed over into his control. Then the lowliest of the kings, the son of a slave woman and whose name is Gīgīt, will confront him from the west. These will be his signs, for Daniel has already foreseen him: his face will be long, there will be a bald patch between his eyes, he will be very tall, the soles of his feet will be high (sic), and his thighs will be thin. At that time he will attack the faithful people, and he will provoke at that time three agitations. All the constellations will be gathered together and move to one place. They will plunder houses and rob fields and strike the orphan and the widow in the bazaar, but if they perform penitence they will be forgiven.

On the twentieth (day) of Marheshvan, the world will be shaken ‘and the heavens and the earth will quake’ (cf. Joel 4:16). On the twentieth (day) of Kislev, all Israel will stand in prayer and clamor before their heavenly Father, and a sword will descend and fall upon the nations of the world, in accordance with what scripture says: ‘The sword kills indiscriminately’ (2 Sam 11:25). On the twentieth (day) of Nisan, the first group of exiles will depart from Babylon: they will number eighteen thousand men and women, and not a single one of them will perish. On the twenty-fifth (day) of Tishri, the second group of exiles will depart from the region of the River Sa(m)batyon: they will number seventeen thousand, but twenty men and fifteen women will be slain from among them. On the twenty-fifth (day) of the eighth month (sic; i.e., Marheshvan), the third group of exiles will depart. They will weep and cry out on behalf of their brethren who were slain, and they will cry out in the desert for twenty-five days and not taste any (food), living instead ‘on what issues from the mouth of the Lord’ (Deut 8:3). The first group of exiles will not leave Babylon until the second group arrives there, as scripture affirms: ‘Writhe and push out, O daughter of Zion, like a woman giving birth. For you will now go out of the city and dwell in the countryside, and you shall come to Babylon. There you will be rescued; there will the Lord redeem you from the hand of your enemies’ (Mic 4:10).

On the twentieth (day) of Nisan, a king shall come up from the west, ravaging and horrifying the world. He shall encroach upon ‘the holy beautiful mountain’ (Dan 11:45) and burn it. Most cursed among women is the woman who gave birth to him: that is ‘the horn’ which Daniel foresaw, and that day will be one of torment and battle against Israel.

Demetrius son of Pōryphōs and Anfōlīpōs son of Panfōs will wage a second battle.  Accompanying them will be ten myriads of cavalry, ten myriads of foot soldiers, and (another) ten myriads of troops concealed on ships. On the twentieth (day) of Ellul, the Messiah will come: his name is Yinnōn. On that same day Gabriel will descend (and) from the ninth to the tenth hour will destroy from the world ninety-two thousand people. On the twentieth (day) of Tebet, Mekketz, Qīrtalos, and all the cities allied with them will wage a third battle: a very large nation (extending) from the great plain unto Jaffa and Ashkelon.  On the twentieth (day) of Shebat, the Messiah will come: angels of destruction will descend and destroy the whole of that multitude, and they will not leave (alive) a single soul.

(It was) regarding this time that God spoke about to Abraham: ‘Your progeny are destined to sink to the lowest level, as scripture states: “And you shall be low, and you will speak from the ground” (Isa 29:4), but afterwards they will be exalted higher than all the nations, as scripture affirms: “and the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth” (Deut 28:1).’ After this all the Gentile nations will come and prostrate themselves before every Israelite and lick off the dust from their feet, as scripture says: ‘kings will serve as your tutors, [while their princesses will be your nursemaids; they will prostrate themselves facedown on the ground to you and lick off the dust from your feet]’ (Isa 49:23).

On the twentieth (day) of Adar, the Messiah will come, and with him will be thirty thousand righteous ones, as scripture attests: ‘Righteousness will be the wrap girdling his loins’ (Isa 11:5). When the nations of the world behold this happening, immediately each one of them will putrefy, both it and its cavalry, as scripture says: ‘and this will be the affliction with which the Lord will strike all the nations, etc.’ (Zech 14:12, 15). At that time the Holy One, blessed be He, will address the nations of the world: ‘Woe to you, o wicked ones, who are (alive) at the cessation of the four world empires! All of you are to be expelled from the world, one wherein one kor of wheat will yield about nine hundred kors, and there will be analogous (fantastic yields) for wine and oil. Every tree will bear choice produce and fruits, as scripture states: “and you, o mountains of Israel, will make your branches yield, etc.” (Ezek 36:8).’ And Israel will eat (these fruits) and rejoice for forty years.

After this the Holy One, blessed be He, will bring up Gog and Magog ‘and all their associates,’ and then all the peoples of the earth will assemble together and surround Jerusalem in order to make war. The Holy One, blessed be He, will come up and do battle with them. The Messiah will arrive, and with his help the Holy One, blessed be He, will wage war on them, as scripture forecasts: ‘then the Lord will go forth and fight with those nations as when He did battle on the day of war’ (Zech 14:3). On that day mountains will quake and hills will shake and walls and towers will collapse. The Holy One, blessed be He, will gather all the birds of the sky and the beasts of the earth to feast on their flesh and to drink their blood, as scripture says: ‘the vultures will spend summer upon them, and all the beasts of the earth will spend winter upon them’ (Isa 18:6). Israel will spend seven years burning their weaponry, as scripture states: ‘then the inhabitants of the cities of Israel will go out and set fire to the weaponry and burn (it) … for seven years’ (Ezek 39:9). It (also) says: ‘The house of Israel will spend seven months burying them in order to purify the land’ (Ezek 39:12).

These are the cities which will experience devastation: Jericho, Be’erot, Beth Hōrōn, Sīserīn, Milkah, Arad, Shallūm, Samaria, Beth Migdōl, Tyre, Beth Halsawet, Lod, Būz, Beth ‘Aynam, Hamath, Sefar, Hadashah, Antioch, Alexandria, and ‘Edom.’ But as for all of the cities of Israel, fire and fiery angels will surround them, as scripture affirms: ‘and I will be a wall of fire encompassing it—utterance of the Lord’ (Zech 2:9). Afterwards the final day will come: its duration will be that of forty days. The mountains and hills will shudder and quake, and the earth will cry out against the wicked, saying: ‘In such-and-such a place did so-and-so kill so-and-so,’ as scripture states: ‘the earth will reveal her blood-guilt, etc.’ (Isa 26:21).

Elijah said: I beheld the dead taking form and their ‘dust’ being reshaped and made like (the forms they had) when they were formerly alive so that they might render praise to God, as scripture states: ‘See now that I indeed am He [and there is no deity other than Me; I put to death and I resurrect, I sicken and I heal: none can escape from My power]’ (Deut 32:39). Also in Ezekiel it says: ‘and I looked, and behold, sinews were upon them’ (Ezek 37:8). The ministering angels opened their tombs and injected them with their ‘animating breaths,’ and they revivified. They (the angels) stood them up on their feet.  They shoved everyone who merited punishment into a large hollow place two hundred cubits long and fifty cubits wide. The eyes of the righteous will witness the downfall of all those who did not take pleasure in (observing) the Torah of the Holy One, blessed be He, as scripture states: ‘they will go out and see the corpses of those people who rebelled against Me …’ (Isa 66:24).

Elijah said: I beheld fire and brimstone coming down upon the wicked from heaven, as scripture says: ‘the Lord will rain coals of fire and brimstone upon the wicked’ (Ps 11:6).  The Holy One, blessed be He, will move the Temple a great distance from the place of eternal torment so that the righteous will not hear the sound of the cry of the wicked (suffering) and seek to obtain mercy for them. ‘They will be as if they never were.’

Elijah said: I saw Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the righteous ones in sitting postures, and the land before them was sown with every sort of delightful vegetation. That tree which the Holy One, blessed be He, had prepared was standing in the middle of the garden, as scripture says: ‘and there will grow by the stream on its bank on both sides every kind of fruit tree; their foliage will never wither, nor will their fruit ever fail’ (Ezek 47:12). Boats will come ‘from En-gedi as far as’ Eglayim bearing wealth and riches for the righteous ones.

Elijah (may his memory be for a blessing) said: I beheld a great city, both beautiful and glorious, descending from heaven wherein it had been built, as scripture states: ‘The already built Jerusalem, like the city associated to it’ (Ps 122:3), perfectly constructed and with its people dwelling within it. It is situated by three thousand towers, with 20,000 ris separating each tower. Within the span of every ris are 25,000 cubits of emeralds, pearls, and (other) jewels, as scripture says: ‘I will inlay your battlements with gemstones’ (Isa 54:12).

Elijah said: I saw the houses and the gates of the righteous with their thresholds and door-frames constructed of precious stones. (I saw) the treasuries of the Temple opened up to their doorways (sic), and among them were Torah and peace, as scripture states: ‘all your children will be instructed by the Lord; [your children will have great peace]’ (Isa 54:13), and it says: ‘those who love Your Torah have great peace’ (Ps 119:165), and it says: ‘How great is Your beneficence which You have stored up for those who revere You’ (Ps 31:20).

End of Sefer Elijah, may his memory be for a blessing.