Egerton Gospel

Fragment 1: Verso
(01/01) [. . .] i [. . .]
(02/02) [Then Jesus said] to the lawye[rs],
(03/03) “[Punish ev]eryone who does unju[stly]
(04/04) [and is law]less, butnot me [. . .]
(05/05) [. . .] how he doe[s] what he does? To
(06/06) [the] l[e]aders of the people [tu]r[ning],
(07/07) he [sa]id thi[s] word: “Se[arch]
(08/08) [t]he scriptures in which you th[ink]
(09/09) that you have life. These a[r]e
(10/10) [the ones which witn]ess concerning me. Do not
(11/11) t[hink t]hat I came to ac[c]use
(12/12) [you] to my father. [The one who] is
(13/13) [accu]sing you is Moses, in whom
(14/14) [you] have hoped.” Then t[h]ey [said],
(15/15) “We know that through Moses
(16/16) God [spoke], but you, we do not know
(17/17) [where you are from.] When Jesus replied,
(18/18) he s[aid to th]em, “Now the accusation has come
(19/19) [against your u]nbelie[f] through the things which by him
(20/20) [have been w]itnessed. For if
(21/__) [you] be[lieved Moses,] you would believe
(22/__) [in me]. For [co]n[c]erning me, h[e]
(23/__) [wrot]e to you[r] f[at]hers
(24/__) [. . .] e [. . .]

Fragment 1: Recto
(25/22) [They plotted in the] crowd [that,]
(26/23) [taking up] stones together, they might
(27/24) st[one h]im. And the [ruler]s laid
(28/25) their ha[nds] on him
(29/26) [th]at they might seize him and han[d him]
(30/27) [over] to the crowd, but they were u[nable]
(31/28) to seize him, because not yet had
(32/29) the hour of his betra[yal come].
(33/30) Then the Lord, going out [through the middle]
(34/31) [of th]em, withdrew from t[hem.]
(35/32) And, [b]ehold, a leper, comi[ng to him,]
(36/33) says, “Teacher Jesus, [tra]veling with l[epers]
(37/34) and eatin[g with them]
(38/35) in the inn, I also became l[eprous]
(39/36) myself. If [t]hen [you wish,]
(40/37) I will be made clean.” Then the Lord [said to him,]
(41/38) “[I] wish, be made clean.” [And immediately]
(42/39) the lepro[sy w]ent away from him.
(43/40) Then Jesus [said] to him, “W[hen you go,]
(44/41) show yourself to th[e priests]
(45/__) and offer the sacrifice [concerning the]
(46/__) [cle]ansing as Moses com[m]a[nded] and
(47/__) [si]n [n]o more. . .”

Fragment 2: Recto
(50/43) [After c]oming to him,
(51/44) they ex[acti]ngly tested him, s[aying,]
(52/45) “Teacher Jesus, we know that [from God]
(53/46) you have come. For the things you do bear
(54/47) greater w[itness] than all t[h]e prophets. [Talk then]
(55/48) with us. When it is possible [to pay] to the rulers
(56/49) the things which be[l]ong to their rule, should
(57/50) [we pay th]em or no[t]? Then Jesus, knowing
(58/51) [the]ir [pl]an, wa[rned] them sternly and
(59/52) said to t[hem], “For what reason do you cal[l me]
(60/53) [te]acher with yo[ur mou]th, since you are
(61/54) no[t hear]ing what I am [s]aying? Well did Isaiah
(62/55) prophesy [concerning y]ou, when he said, “Th[is]
(63/56) [people honors] me with the[ir l]ips,
(64/57) [but] the[ir hear]ts are far
(65/58) [dis]tant from m[e. I]n vai[n, they worship me]
(66/59) command[ments . . .]

Fragment 2: Verso
(67/60) [. . .] being in a [s]hut-in place
(68/61) [. . .]has been subordinate[d] uncertainly
(69/62) [. . .]its/his(?) unweighe[d] weight
(70/63) But although th[ey] were at a loss
(71/64) [as] to [his] bizarre question,
(72/65) Jesus, while he was [w]andering, [s]tood
(73/66) [on the] lip of the Jo[rd]an
(74/67) [rive]r, and stretchin[g] out
(75/68) [hi]s right ha[nd . . .]
(76/69) [. . . a]nd [he] sow[ed o]n the
(77/70) [river(?)], and at that time [. . .]
(78/71) [. . .wat]er(?)[. . .]and then
(79/72) [. . .] and [. . .]before
(80/73) them, he brought forth fruit
(81/74) [. . .] muc[h(?) . . .] to [. . .]
(82/75) [. . .]

Fragment 3: Recto
(83) [. . .]
(84) [. . .] if
(85) [. . .] of it /him(?)
(86) [. . .]
(87) [. . .] knowing
(88) [. . .]

Fragment 3: Verso
(89) one thing we a[re. . .]
(90) [. . .]
(91) [st]ones to [. . .]
(92) [th]ey may ki[ll . . .]
(93) he says, “the [. . .]
(94) [. . .] e [. . .]