Dura-Europos Gospel Harmony

01 of [Zebed]ee and Salome a[nd] the women
02 [amongst] those who followed him from
03 [Galil]ee to see the cr(ucified one). Now, it was
04 [the day] of Preparation, Sabbath was dawn-
05 [ing.] Now as it was becoming evening on the Prep-
06 [aration,] that is the day before the Sabbath, there app-
07 [roached] a man, a member of the council [be-
08 [ing,] from Erinmathaia, a city of
09 [Jud]ea, named Jo[seph], a good, right-
10 [eous man,] being a disciple of Je(sus), but hid-
11 [de]n for fear of the
12 [Jew]s, and he was expecting
13 [the] k[ingdom] of Go(d). This one was not
14 [consent]ing to the c[ounsel]
15 […………………………………….]